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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Glue. Garden-variety, buck-store CA Krazy glue. I don't mean to belittle those who got broken toys, nor excuse Bandai's infamous QC fails of late, but this one's such a stupidly easy fix... The fins don't have to fold for transformation. Just glue it!
  2. If it weren't for MERSA's chronic mammarial obsession, that would've been a fantastic figure... πŸ˜’ ...but as always, the breasts end up too big for the character, too big for the body, and too big for the laws of physics. 🀨
  3. That was NOT an unboxing. The toy remained in the box. πŸ˜… As a non-canon scheme I don't have the space to display, I'm not even sure why I ordered even one, truth be told... ...but seeing as I'm the only one to have received such a damaged box, maybe I'd have better luck with a second. πŸ€” It may be my only recourse, since Show.Z has ignored my complaint so far. 😐 Still happy with the toy, though! πŸ‘
  4. X-Plus Minus One attacks! Fabulous sculpt and detail, as always... Naturally photogenic... ...and appropriately-scaled to N-gauge train set dioramas. 😎
  5. Arcadia's Garland is the pinnacle of transformable toys, but Yamato's Bubblegum Crisis Moto-slaves deserve a mention, too... ...as does the "Variable Action Hi-Spec" Galvion Circus-1 from MegaHouse. In the grand Hasbro tradition, I rebranded him as a Transformer. ☺️
  6. Sorry, I've long since run out of space for displaying non-canon schemes. I'm giving this one a pass. In fact, I haven't even figured out where my DX VT-1's gonna go, much less Fugu's FG-01 Jetfire... They're just cluttering up my photo studio at present. 😐
  7. Custom stickers. ☺️
  8. Way ahead of you, guy. 😎 It's an easy fix. πŸ‘
  9. Macross FTW! I gave Jetfire an appropriately-colored pilot. ☺️
  10. The advantage to time-travel stories like The Terminator is that there are infinite possible futures, which is how each subsequent sequel managed to rewrite the timeline and further muck up the continuity. The series was blatantly contradicting itself as early as T2. 🀨
  11. Unlike most of you, I'm very pleased with Jetfire's UN Spacy branding. The scheme fits quite well with my various Yamato VFs. Show.Z has been informed. I'll let you know how they respond. The figure's fine, which may actually hurt my chances of getting a replacement... πŸ€” "Like, you just want us to send you an empty box...?" 🀨 Perhaps their policy is different when shipping to Japanese customers. I regularly get third-party Transformers from them exactly as they get them from the manufacturer, excepting the Show.Z plastic wrap with the shipping labels attached. I've never seen a Show.Z branded box... and often there's no brown-boxed shipper at all.
  12. I was not so lucky... πŸ™ The outer box was banged-up pretty good, and the rectangular box inside was worse. 😬 Heads-up for those of you who ordered Fugu FG-01 Jetfire from ShowZ: Their flimsy box may not protect the packaging. πŸ˜’ And then there's the inexplicable condition the instructions came in: I have no idea how that happened. 😳
  13. With 1:48 Spartas finally available, an increased demand for Bioroids was a foregone conclusion. πŸ˜…
  14. They were apparently available at WonderFest in the winter of 2020 for Β₯20,000 each.
  15. Definitely better. The red chin is also an improvement. ☺️
  16. Not if you happen to have any Hi-Metal R toys... 😁
  17. It was a great kit for its time, but its time has long since passed. πŸ˜’ However, since Wave never produced a Spartan (and Moscato's SPALTAN garage kit is as rare as hen's teeth), this ancient reissue is your only option at this scale. 😐
  18. So cute! 😍
  19. Arcadia reviews DX Chogokin reviews Generally speaking, the "premium finish" Arcadia toys are more accurately-detailed than their DX Chogokin brethren. Bandai has a habit of overkill when it comes to tampographs. Given Bandai has recently acknowledged Macross Zero in their Hi-Metal R lineup, it's entirely possible that a DX Chogokin VF-0 could be in the cards... but it would be years away, if at all, and there's certainly no guarantee they'd be superior to Arcadia's offerings. Arcadia's VF-0 toys are their finest achievement, the crown jewels in any 1:60 collection.
  20. What SHOULD have been! 😁 Congratulations on being first! My kits have been languishing in Richmond for the past two weeks... 😐 In the meantime, I've gotten a male pilot painted. I really hate using brushes. πŸ˜’
  21. The Ramen Racer is now shipping. I got the "Tiger Orange" release. It's got a rather detailed interior... ...a ridiculously shiny vac-metalized engine... ...trunk space, with a clever-concealed rechargeable battery container... The battery is sold separately, but you can activate the lights and sounds using an external USB power source. Fans may complain about those greeblies on the hood, or the lack of official Charger nomenclature... ...or the inaccurate CB antenna, or the missing vinyl top trim and turn signals... ...but there are very few toy cars on the market at 1:10th scale, so beggars can't be choosers...! πŸ˜… If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. πŸ‘
  22. That ugly-ass head is a dead giveaway. πŸ˜…
  23. Actually, I'm newly OUT. I've had it with Star Wars. This was the proverbial last straw: This Amblin suburb is the most anti-Star Wars setting you could possibly imagine. Yeah, but as mediocre as Droids, as pedestrian as Ewoks, or as childish as Young Jedi Adventures was, none of them anal-raped the setting like this. It's an abomination, a blight on the brand far more insulting than anything Ahsoka or The Acolyte foisted on us. Of course it does; I'd have nothing to whine about otherwise. Are you new to the Internet? 😝
  24. Seriously, this is exactly what we feared we'd get when Disney bought Lucasfilm 12 years ago. I'm surprised it took this long, to be honest.
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