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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Dude, that's very generous of you! Thanks! I did a little "digital restoration" work to the cover image. Would you be so kind as to scan the cover of your Macross war game as well?
  2. Too small. Definitely too small. And unfortunately, next to the HMRs, Wave's 1:72 kits look as oversized as the vintage kits look undersized.
  3. They both wipe the floor with any official release, regardless of scale (and most previous third-party attempts, even). Boy, do I feel dumb having bought those cheap-ass "Hulkie" knock-offs for my Legends-scale collection...
  4. DC? That treatment had Marvel written all over it! It's shocking just how much they aped from Infinity War/Endgame: The big alien bad guy wins, and half the heroes are killed at the end of the first film. Jump five years ahead, into a dark and depressing future. The survivors have gone their separate ways and are dealing with their own personal problems. We bring the survivors back together, because only by working together they can succeed using... time travel! With the timeline altered, all the dead heroes return, and a massive battle ensues... The resurrected king brings his reclusive, secret society with their high-tech wonders to the fight... The warrior god(ess) leads her ancient civilization to join the struggle... The multiple armies defeat the forces of the big bad alien... ...but not without the heroic sacrifice of the only normal human, the genius vigilante guy with all the gadgets. End with a moving memorial service in honor of the hero that nobody actually liked... because he was kind of a jerk to everybody. Seriously, just replace Wakanda with Atlantis, the Asgardians with the Amazonians, the Guardians of the Galaxy with the Green Lantern Corps, and call it Justice League: The Infinity Wargame.
  5. Arcadia's backlog stock is now available again... for a limited time! https://arcadia.ac/user_data/special2021
  6. Awesome find! That cover art is gorgeous.
  7. Whoever chose the color for the cards was likely familiar with the Dom; the purple seems an unlikely coincidence. Is that what Crisis Point calls the "Engineer Bioroid?"
  8. The "Late Period" Type I Bioroid is an officially-published Ammonite design... The image posted earlier is a Robotech RPG derivative... ...and the purple coloring is most likely fan-done.
  9. I was wondering why the image @Podtastic posted was "grape-flavored..."
  10. Yeah, that's right. Sorry, I didn't mean to mislead you... ...but that's just a custom I made myself.
  11. I have the opposite problem.
  12. I couldn't agree more. I couldn't find a decent background image online, so I drew my own from scratch: I wonder where I can get it printed as a poster? If you've got kids in your house, things have already gotten out of hand! That's how ALL Transformers should be packaged.
  13. Black red, silver... bring 'em on! The Diaclone homages are my favorite Transformers.
  14. Hey, thanks for the feedback, guys. You're singing my wife's favorite song. Like I told her, only the B:TAS Joker is going in the anime room; all the live-action stuff gets displayed elsewhere. Despite what she says, I'm not completely reckless and irresponsible. I knew this stuff was coming, and I was somewhat prepared for it... The anime room may be full, but I'd already made space in the Star Wars room. Wow, that's remarkable. Looks like a 1:6 figure!
  15. Perfect! Bring on the decals.
  16. I received my biggest shipment ever from BBTS yesterday... so much stuff that I needed to make a YouTube video to account for it all.
  17. tekering

    Macross figures

    Doubtful. That's a kitbashed Marvel Legends figure standing in for Claudia, isn't it?
  18. Found it here. I do, yes... and I don't, yes. However, the only Southern Cross laserdisc listing I've found is this one... and the seller obviously can't tell an LD from a vinyl record.
  19. Is it worth $98 extra to get it 8-10 weeks earlier? I'm not judging, I'm just wondering how much patience plays a factor... ...or if FromJapan even gave you the choice.
  20. Ah, excellent point. Foolish me, I've ignored the elephant in the room for so long that I scarcely even notice it... Gotta keep things out of the public eye!
  21. Nah, that just proved demand was not high enough to begin with. Like Cap' says, we'll need several thousand dollars in capital -- up front -- for such a commission. Perhaps we should start a Kickstarter campaign...
  22. Start saving now! Southern Cross merchandise is a notoriously difficult sell, so -- if there's even a chance of it happening -- I'm sure it'll take a lot of advance capital to secure such a commission. A mere "commitment to buy" won't be enough; we're gonna need to pool our resources on this one.
  23. Nor do any of the various 3D models we've seen attempted since... I think our only hope is @captain america, who has clearly generated increased demand for a Spartas to scale with his upcoming 1:48 Bio-Lloyd kit. Since his Southern Cross work has been commissioned by a particularly dedicated fan, that's who will likely need convincing. I've already started work on episode 8, which focuses on the captured green Bioroid.
  24. As we're starting to veer dangerously off-topic, I've moved this discussion to the appropriate thread.
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