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Everything posted by tekering

  1. I'd agree the Heisei films are more consistent in tone and quality than the Showa series that preceded it (and the Millennium films that followed it, for that matter), but I think this last decade has been The Big G's finest. I consider both Gareth Edward's Godzilla and Hideaki Anno's Shin Godzilla better than any previous films in the franchise, and I suspect Godzilla vs. Kong will complement Edward's film at least as well as Michael Dougherty's King of the Monsters does. And, regardless of how you feel about story, plot, or human characters, you can't deny how much more suited CGI is for kaiju than rubber suits or stop-motion ever were.
  2. When in doubt, go to Scorched Earth Toys at anymoon.com! The general consensus is that Yamato's 1:48 still shines in fighter mode, but battroid mode has skinny arms and extremely awkward hands. Bandai's DX has a much beefier robot mode, better articulation, more tampographed details, and particularly well-designed hands.
  3. I think you're forgetting the Warbotron, and the MechFansToys, and the Custom Robots... It's a pretty old pic, but you get the idea.
  4. My RAH Unit-1 (the most recent reissue) lost her balance and fell into a pile of clothes -- on top of a pillow, just a few inches beneath her feet -- and snapped the horn off her helmet.
  5. The Justice League is angry with Martian Manhunter because he was completely superfluous, never did anything to help, and didn't belong in the movie... like, at all? 'Cause I totally get that.
  6. Can this market really support another Legion-sized third-party G1-style Shockwave figure? I can hardly keep track of how many I own, much less how many have been released...
  7. Not one of my favorites, to be honest... ...but better than either film calling itself King of the Monsters, I'll grant you. Still, Godzilla vs. Kong couldn't possibly be worse than anything from the '70s with Godzilla's name on it. We'll endeavor to be more considerate here.
  8. I can do you one better, dude... I know the perfect crew to help you out with your solar tower. These guys are master builders. They're highly-skilled, super-friendly, and they love to build things... and they've got no ulterior motives whatsoever. Honest!
  9. What? You mean they're ¥24,200 each? For a 1:100 scale figure that doesn't light up, or transform, or come with a display base, even? That's insane.
  10. I may be able to help you with that.
  11. You're like a magician, generous to show us how the magic is done... ...and I still can't get over how great "Satan Claws" looks.
  12. I don't know what you consider "classic" Godzilla, but the series has been pretty consistently bad since the beginning... and King Kong vs. Godzilla was one of the stupidest. A decent monster movie requires everyone to take it seriously -- the writers, the actors, the producers, the special effects artists, and most importantly, the director -- and even then, the results are rarely successful... Keep your expectations low, or prepare for disappointment.
  13. Oh, I'd happily buy a head, chest, arms and legs upgrade set for Kingdom Galvatron. The stock crotch piece is properly-scaled and well-proportioned, so there's no need to replace that. Typical mainline Hasbro releases. We got lucky with SS'86, but clearly our luck has run out. Looks like my "Mania King" will be staying right where he is.
  14. Dammit, I was thinking a leg mod could extend the thighs and correct for the stocky proportions, but he's already too tall... He's supposed to be Rodimus height, not Magnus height. I'm starting to question the veracity of your source.
  15. Wait a minute... May 2021? Didn't they already release a Minmei figure this year? (I haven't received mine yet, but I've seen in-hand pics from others...) Does Kitz Concept seriously expect to release two character figures in a single year? That would be a first for them.
  16. Yeah, what Mandarake calls "packaged damaged" action figure collectors refer to as "shelf wear."
  17. Having hated the original, I must begrudgingly agree Snyder's cut is a major improvement... Oddly enough, having recently revisited Superman II, I had exactly the same reaction to the Richard Donner cut. By removing all the material reshot by a different director, then taking the time to reconstruct older footage and digitally restoring it to the original director's intention, it greatly improves the film... to a watchable state, at least. Ditto for Justice League.
  18. Let's wait until the Lloyds are distributed, and then see how much increased demand there is.
  19. A few months of direct exposure to sunlight (followed by an equal amount of time in storage) would likely lead to such a scenario, even within the span of a couple years... Geez, it's already been more than two years since the first DX VF-1 release!
  20. I've lived half my life in Japan, and I've never heard of a package being left unattended. Whether or not a signature is needed, the delivery person is required to hand the package to a resident (and yes, they wear masks and gloves nowadays), and only after they've confirmed with said resident that the name and address are correct. Anything else would be considered irresponsible, a dereliction of duty and cause for dismissal. If nobody's home, a second or third attempt will be made that day, followed by a fourth the following day; after that, you've probably got to call and specify a time for re-delivery. Most "attempted delivery" notification cards include the driver's cell phone number, so you can call them and arrange a time that works for both of you. As I understand it, these policies are not the result of crime, but simply to eliminate the possibility of crime.
  21. I just can't get over how Americans will just leave packages sitting outside.
  22. Oh, you will. Eventually, we all will. It's only a matter of time.
  23. Between Sears, Kmart, and Canadian Tire, my brother and I managed to acquire the entire Centurions toyline for Christmas 1986. What amazing times we lived in! Wait, these are third-party toys...? ...that aren't Transformers? ...or Gundams? ...or robots of any kind...? What amazing times we live in!
  24. Perfect panel-lining. Exactly the right color and line thickness.
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