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Everything posted by tekering

  1. As was Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, two other enormously successful films that literally INSULT the audience's intelligence. I'm genuinely envious of all of you who are able to "check your brain at the door," and actually enjoy movies that I would've liked to enjoy right along with you... ...except my brain doesn't have an OFF switch, see.
  2. WTF? That looks like a cheap-ass vinyl figure... You know, the type that needs a stand because it's too thin and hollow to support its own weight.
  3. I was afraid this was going to be a sequel to Jupiter Ascending... ...and now I kind of wish it were.
  4. Well, die-hard Star Trek fans are the only audience they can expect to keep watching... and there's kind of a battered woman syndrome going on there.
  5. Every film is shot that way, of course; the average shooting ratio on film is 10:1, and much higher for Hollywood blockbusters. That has nothing to do with a movie's runtime. Wingard is saying there's five hours' worth of CONTENT, not raw footage. No, Independence Day is dumb. Alien vs. Predator is dumb. Godzilla vs. Kong is STULTIFYING. HBO Max should add a viewer discretion warning to the effect of "Watching this film could result in neurological illness or permanent brain damage."
  6. So last week, Adam Wingard was interviewed by Den of Geek, and his comments reveal the biggest problem with the film: With FIVE credited writers (and surely more uncredited), there were obviously big script problems... It sounds like the film was rushed into production before they had a finished script, which is always a recipe for disaster. So he shot FIVE hours of scripted material for a film he wanted to be under TWO hours? He sounds like an irresponsible idiot, trying to solve problems in the editing bay that should've been solved before millions of dollars were wasted shooting unusable footage. Strangely enough, the most basic problems of geography haven't been addressed in any online review or YouTube video I've come across:
  7. Lots of new voices, but they sound good in the trailer... and I like the fact that two feature-length films are required for a faithful adaptation. The second part will reportedly be rated R. As always, DC does better in the animated realm, and Marvel fares better in live-action.
  8. Ryan George makes it fun, as he always does. He covers most of my criticisms so succinctly I've decided to abandon my own review video, which was just bitter and sarcastic.
  9. That depends entirely on the scale. I'd pay $180 each if they were 1:12 scale, or $120 each for 1:18... but I imagine they'll be a lot smaller, in which case we already have the superior Moscato crabs.
  10. I have a strong nostalgic attachment to Centurions, but I'm too old to think these look cool. I'd rather they tackled Mighty Orbots or Pole Position... you know, toyetic IPs that never got toys.
  11. Not if they want my money. Ah, who am I kidding? They could paint it Day-Glo orange and I'd still buy one.
  12. Whether he's directing Star Wars or Godzilla, Gareth Edwards has proven to be the real King.
  13. You obviously haven't read the book. It starts out great, but just gets worse, and worse, and worse.
  14. Well, of course: if it's between MMC and XTB, that's a no-brainer. MMC will always be the clear winner. Oh, they will... just not until FansToys, X-Transbots, and DX9 announce theirs.
  15. You'd think, after a solid decade of this behavior, I would no longer be surprised by how these Asian third-party manufacturers are constantly competing with each other, announcing the same projects at the same time, fracturing and dividing the very market they're trying to appeal to... ...but it continues to dumbfound me.
  16. Wow, those are the worst figures I've ever seen from Magic Square. The chests look better than New Age's 'Bee and Cliffy, but the faces are much worse... and the alt. modes are an abomination.
  17. Okay, having watched it myself, I think you guys were trying to take me for an April's Fool. I went in with low expectations, knowing it was a stupid premise to begin with, but... this went WAY beyond stupid. What a frustrating, aggravating experience.
  18. Yeah, I suppose the Masterpiece ideal would be halfway between the lanky HasTak and the beefy Sentinel proportions. Thanks for the reference pics. LEK exists on a higher plane of existence than us mere mortals.
  19. Does it? Is it? Maybe I'm too used to my Sentinel Gigantic Action Scorponok, but I really don't like the elongated chest and skinny little legs on the HasTak... ...but I'm sure the Titans Return figure has a much better alt. mode.
  20. What's with the separate branding? They're both legacy characters from the same movie, produced at the same scale, so shouldn't they be part of the same line?
  21. Would any of those vehicles be 1:64 scale, though? If they're all an equal 1.65 inches in length -- as those images suggest -- then every vehicle will be a different scale. I mean, cars with a similar wheelbase may end up being close to equal in scale (Crosshairs and Barricade, perhaps, or Jazz and Bumblebee...?), but that would likely be a fluke, rather than by design. I absolutely hate how Jada, Hot Wheels, and Matchbox treat "scale" as if it were marketing lingo, rather than a measurement of relative size.
  22. It took nearly 20 years for Southern Cross to get a DVD release, and nearly 20 years have passed since then... Now, however, we have new video algorithms for upscaling anime to HD standards, and software to adjust color-timing and replace the old analog music with digital stereo recordings. Dare to compare!
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