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Everything posted by tekering

  1. While The Bad Batch was definitely not my favorite thing about the last season of The Clone Wars, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much more sophisticated the characterizations are in "Aftermath," the first episode of this new spin-off. There are real conflicts within the group, debates about duty and ethics, and loyalties are tested to their limits as the Republic becomes the Empire. It's also great to have regular voice actors return to roles such as Caleb "Kanan" Dume, Saw Garrera, and Admiral Tarkin, and we get to hear the great Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor again. Oh, and it was 71 minutes long!
  2. I actually put some time and effort into trying to correct the proportions, to make the SDF-1 look more like the animation model and less like the vintage toy... Forgive my blasphemous sacrilege.
  3. Oh, that's par for the course here. As you can see, we've all got our own agendas to push. @treatment is incapable of seeing past "Godzilla (1954) is the only film that matters," and I'm incapable of seeing past my own rage over how insultingly stupid Godzilla vs. Kong was. Of course, having tried to discuss Godzilla films rationally on kaiju-specific fan forums, I discovered quite the opposite there; whereas we're harsh critics nitpicking any perceived flaw, they didn't seem to have any critical faculties whatsoever.
  4. I've tried to make exactly the same arguments before, so we're certainly on the same page there. Not at all, man. Like I said, you made some salient observations. I didn't hate your video. Godzilla vs. Kong, on the other hand...
  5. It would certainly explain the awkward proportions and the foreshortened prow...! Excellent observation, Shawn.
  6. I can still hear it! Nobody's gonna argue the Southern Cross BGM was superior to the Robotech score.
  7. Well, that explains the nature of your comment. You really should have watched the video, and saved yourself the public embarrassment. As to the video in question, it illustrates some significant anime parallels (once you get past FOUR minutes of time-wasting drivel, that is)... However, if you're gonna post the link in this forum, you've gotta be careful with statements like this: There are members here who will give you grief for suggesting Macross II is "unofficial."
  8. If Tatsunoko hadn't done such a poor job establishing the color scheme in the first place, Bandai wouldn't have so much varied animation reference to work from.
  9. See, guys? Mike doesn't need our help. He's perfectly capable of enabling himself.
  10. Sure, if each Valkyrie came with its piloto.
  11. The only significant difference between the TV and DYRL VF-1A design is the protruding sensor package on the head: The TV version has a flat lens instead. The HMR included both heads, which gives us a fairly objective point of reference for comparison.
  12. Your condemnation seems a little premature...
  13. Apparently not... although I doubt it would've mattered anyway, unless you managed to get your order processed within the first sixty seconds or so. I've never seen an Amazon.jp listing sell out so quickly before.
  14. Thanks, that's very helpful. It looks like the "oversized" Shock Trooper will scale nicely with B2FIVE's upcoming 1:28 ride armor figures.
  15. I just posted a new one for you in a more appropriate thread. No, I don't think he meant customs.
  16. This isn't such a rare bird, is it?
  17. SG-26 was "Jetfire." https://tf.takaratomy.co.jp/products-lineup/tf_sg/sg-26
  18. As if it wasn't already clear how much innovation this kit represents: This is actually step 47, guys.
  19. Google to the rescue! "They also were offering a $100 signature edition of the figure that comes with the classic yellow rain jacket and a signed Channel 3 News badge, limited to 2000 pieces. That sold out quickly."
  20. They tried to keep things morally grey, and paint the GRC as a fascist organization opposing the freedoms the Flag Smashers were fighting for... but as Ryan's Pitch Meeting suggests, the muddled politics and vague backstory failed to clarify motivations one way or the other, and simply resulted in a narrative largely open to interpretation. My interpretation: Thanos was right all along, and the Snap solved a lot of social problems caused by overpopulation. By undoing the Snap (the so-called Blip that brought everyone back), the Avengers ended up creating an even bigger problem, one that can't be simply be solved by a bunch of aliens, androids and wizards. I really liked that overall premise, but I think the show could've done without the super-soldier serum angle altogether.
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