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Everything posted by tekering

  1. "I could take out a Gundam with this thing!" I collect third-party Masterpiece Transformers. I'm used to waiting three or four years.
  2. Er... I'm not sure if MEP's prototype fits the definition of "proper." More like "Here's my homage to the Matchbox toy. Maybe Super7 will produce the design for their ReAction line." I thought their design was even worse, but I admire your decision to back it and I respect your sacrifice.
  3. Nothing to report here.
  4. I'm trying to do the same with Master Grade kits, but it's damned expensive tracking down all those P-Bandai exclusives... I can't find the powered GM for under $100!
  5. I see you spent some time setting up that shot. Geez, those hover sleds look huge! Are they solid resin? i wonder what I could use as a flight stand...
  6. Apart from the five Invid figures already mentioned, MEP has also publicly displayed prototypes for: Khyron Azonia Exedore Dolza Miriya Nova Satori Marie Crystal Dana Sterling Maia Sterling M-32 Hover Cycle VF-8 Logan VHT-1 Hovertank Others have been mentioned on Facebook, but I don't count 'em until physical prototypes have been confirmed... ...but yeah, you're not looking hard enough.
  7. You bought back your own Valk! How incestuous!
  8. tekering

    Macross figures

    Now there's a statement nobody ever said ever.
  9. That seems to be the general consensus on the Toyark forums... like, "maybe this will lead to decent toys from the Burton/Schumacher films, 'cause Mattel already did Batman '66 to death!"
  10. Sure... except for the TR-6. Talk about Gundam in-name-only... Lame.
  11. 1:32 scale?! That diorama will be over a foot high! Which of course means either it'll be prohibitively expensive, and won't scale with anything else in our extensive Macross or Robotech collections it will be reasonably-priced (but nowhere near 1:32), and still won't scale with anything else in our extensive Macross or Robotech collections it won't receive approval from Harmony Gold and/or Big West, and will simply remain among the dozens of other unproduced MEP figures In other words, don't hold your breath.
  12. I'm strictly U.C. myself... ...so the MG kits I build are decades old now. I'm particularly partial to the GM variants. Oldskool is the best skool!
  13. It's good to know that ZD Toys is making Iron Man figures, for those of us who don't like the articulation on the Marvel Legends Iron Man figures don't like the proportions on the Revoltech Iron Man figures don't like the paint on the MAFEX Iron Man figures don't like the scale of the SH Figuarts Iron Man figures don't like the weight of the Comicave Studios Iron Man figures don't like the sculpt on the DST Marvel Select Iron Man figures don't like the price of the ThreeZero Iron Man figures I just wish there were more manufacturers making 1:12 Iron Man figures.
  14. Ah, the power of nostalgia... ...has compelled me to spend (including shipping from Australia) over a thousand dollars on this particular garage kit.
  15. And equally valid, as I say. However, while Stig and Houquet are established European names, "Stick" and "Fuke" are merely mistakes born of ignorance. Those spellings are as unacceptable as "Ligaa."
  16. Wow, those CF Yammies sure look plain next to the DX, don't they?
  17. Please scan those covers before you do! Awesome acquisitions.
  18. I haven't opened my Blackout yet and am tempted to sell but while it's not perfect I do think it's pretty cool. Especially helicopter mode. I may never sell it just because I'm lazy.
  19. Great concept! I'd try masking off the white areas and the decals and apply a couple more coats of blue.
  20. https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-bad-batch-muchi-not-rancor-return-jedi/
  21. That is delightfully '70s. Incidentally, episode 5 "Rampage" features more female variants on established male characters, both a female Trandoshan (like the bounty hunter Bossk) and a female Rancor (like the one Luke killed in Jabba's palace). #theForceisfemale
  22. Speaking of getting names wrong: I don't know if the role-playing games can be blamed for this one, but the error is a simple one; in Japanese, the elongated イー sound gets Romanized as "ii" (which is not a spelling pattern native to English), and since it's common for proper nouns to be capitalized in English, the "Iigaa" spelling is often misconstrued as representing a lower-case "L" instead of the upper-case "I". In Japanese, it's pronounced "Eager," and that's the preferred English spelling (if only to avoid confusion). This one gets all sorts of spellings (in this thread alone, it's spelled "Grab," "Grub," "Graub," and "Gurab"), and while each is a valid Romanization of グラブ, I think "Grub" is what the Japanese clearly intended, given all the insect analogies used to describe the Invid in Japanese publications (and even their Mospeada Wikipedia page).
  23. I’m not a big fan of transformable Gundams since it turns the whole hard sci-fi premise of the series into a pile of junk. Giant humanoid robot war machines require suspension of disbelief... Giant humanoid robot war machines piloted by children require even greater suspension of disbelief... Giant humanoid robot war machines piloted by children with psychic powers is already straining suspension of disbelief to the breaking point... Giant humanoid robot war machines piloted by children with psychic powers that transform is a bridge too far. I mean, what's next? Giant humanoid aliens incapacitated by pop music and kissing?
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