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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Fat chance, guys. Star Trek 2009 was a huge hit, making more money than any previous Trek film -- more than most of them put together, even! -- and generated two sequels of its own. Playmates still had the toy rights back then, when Toys 'R' Us was still a retail giant and Star Trek was finally financially viable again, yet they bungled it so badly that they only got a handful of figures released before cancelling the line entirely (leaving us with both an incomplete crew and an incomplete bridge playset). ๐Ÿ˜‘ Into Darkness and Beyond were ignored entirely. When Discovery was about to be launched, McFarlane picked up the merchandising rights, hoping Star Trek could be successful again... only to completely abandon their plans once they saw the ratings. Now, with nothing but the ignominy of Prodigy to look forward to (and the bloated corpses of Picard and Discovery about to surface again), the rights get dumped back on Playmates... and does anyone in their right mind think that, in this retail environment, they'll be able to do anything with the franchise? ๐Ÿคจ Not bloody likely.
  2. I figured the shape would've been a dead giveaway...
  3. Now that Roy has shipped, they've done the impossible and released two action figures within the same calendar year... within a six-month period, even! Is it too much to hope for a third before the year is out? ๐Ÿค” Of course it is. Nonetheless, they're definitely picking up the pace now.
  4. At least three, it would seem... and probably not deliberately deleted, since the superfluous "double post" mysteriously remains. Weird. Anyway, here are some key elements I'm using to upgrade the 'Lloyds: Namely, they are a set of double ball-joint parts from Hobby Base, a Master Grade Gouf (v.2) heat rod, and a "Cute Pony" hair accessory from DAISO.
  5. Oh sure, it looks like Hera. My problem is with the voice, specifically that distinctive Twi'lek accent, which was completely absent from Vanessa Marshall's performance in Rebels. Worse still, another inconsistency the voice director seems to have missed is the pronunciation of "Twi'lek" itself, which sounds like "twilight" when they say it in Rebels but "twee lick" in The Bad Batch. Make up your minds, guys!
  6. I would think not. After Unicron (and the upcoming Ark), the only Transformers-related product worth a HasLab investment would be a Cybertron playset... something like a Space Bridge elevator, perhaps.
  7. tekering

    Macross figures

    I really need a Claudia figure to keep Roy occupied...
  8. Fixed that for you. ๐Ÿ˜…
  9. tekering

    Macross figures

    That just means your Hulk isn't 1:12, buddy. ๐Ÿ˜… He seems to scale well with a wide variety of my figures... And he comes armed to the teeth! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  10. In the '70s, marketing required the hero pilot to be a teenage boy, so the NewType concept was Tomino's way of justifying young Amuro's piloting skills within an otherwise hard sci-fi setting. Tomino himself tried to divorce the concept from his later Gundam stories, as neither Victory nor Turn A feature any NewType elements. My favorite Gundam series (War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory, The 08th MS Team) have always been the ones that ignore the NewType concept altogether. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  11. LEK is obviously a skilled painter, but he clearly doesn't understand what the word "tutorial" means.
  12. So The Book of Boba Fett has officially replaced The Mandalorian, then? Or will the crew of Mandalorian return to the series after Fett has run its course...?
  13. Forget it, LEK. That lousy figure is not worth the effort of repainting.
  14. That's what I'd assumed as well. You've pinpointed the precise reason for my ambivalence. I would've assumed the black indicated a recessed surface -- and painted them accordingly -- but I'm not sure the black looks right on a raised surface. Interestingly enough, Chris Vera also assumed they were meant to be raised, rather than recessed: ...and yet, his version of Seifriet's gun pod has the portside detail recessed, rather than raised. Also (like Cap's) it's rendered as a circle, rather than an oval shape, which is obviously the right choice... despite all the other proportional inaccuracies evident on the CG model. Since I have a couple of extra drum parts, maybe I'll try sanding down those raised panels and carve channels into drum instead... ๐Ÿค”
  15. If you watch this hoping it'll be good, you're an optimist... If you watch this expecting it'll suck, you're a realist... If you watch this knowing it'll suck, you're a masochist. Guess which one I am? ๐Ÿ˜…
  16. As an outstanding film? Not necessarily... As a kaiju concept? Certainly. As the work of a filmmaker capable of making outstanding films? Absolutely. Both Dawn of and War for the Planet of the Apes are proof of that.
  17. I don't think Japan ever managed to make an outstanding Godzilla movie... I mean, Shin Godzilla was terrific, head-and-shoulders above anything Toho made back in the day, but that's hardly a high bar to clear. I just don't think the kaiju concept attracts the kind of filmmakers capable of making outstanding films. ๐Ÿค”
  18. SEVEN HOURS of special features...? Are they counting The Sentinels, Love Live Alive, and Shadow Chronicles as "special features?"
  19. The jury's still out on that one, actually... ๐Ÿค” It's a minor issue, and easily remedied with a little sanding (as long as you ignore the recessed detail on the flat side). I'm only going out of my way to reproduce every detail because our redoubtable Captain hinted at a contest... and competition always brings out the best in me. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  20. You'll have to wait a few more weeks, I'm afraid. The only parts I've actually finished so far are the gun pods: Satan Claws' weapon turned out to be quite a pain, actually. See, despite some inconsistent proportions, the gun pod used by Seifreit's Bioroid is always depicted with the bulbous disc protrusion on the starboard side (and the rarely-seen etched symbol recessed in the port side)... ...but the weapon included with the kit is backwards, a mirror-inverse of what it's supposed to be. I'm not sure why it was designed that way, but I needed to make changes so mine would be anime-accurate.
  21. And MFT's tend to be that much bigger than most of the other Legends figures as well, 3P or official, which makes mixing and matching that much MORE problematic. Thank Primus all the third-parties at least stick to a standard scale for their Masterpiece releases.
  22. It probably sounds hypocritical, coming from me, but models aren't supposed to be played with. I treat Gunpla like toys, to be honest, and my Japanese colleagues criticize me for it; anything from the passive "You pose your Mobile Suits like Transformers" to the overt "That's not a toy, Ted!" As action figure collectors, we know that the most well-articulated figures are also the most fragile... and that goes tenfold for models, and a hundredfold for garage kits. It's fun to mess with resin kits in their bare plastic state, seeing how much playability we can squeeze out of them, but things change a great deal once the parts are properly painted. After weeks of work, I'm starting to get an impression of what the final results will look like: ...and at this stage, I'm terrified to change the poses. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ The Invid kits weren't so bad, but these 'Lloyds are all overlapping surfaces constantly interacting with each other, and there are few points where moving a limb won't result in parts rubbing together. I'm actually not likely to use much of the articulation I've engineered for these kits, now that I've put so much work into the surface textures. It's just not worth the risk! ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  23. It means "Please wait for us to make a decision about this product, because we haven't decided whether to include the figure."
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