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Everything posted by tekering

  1. They did not. Honestly, the only film franchise that's objectively worse, start-to-finish, is Friday the 13th.
  2. Well, The Animatrix was 2003, so... that's just about right. I wouldn't say "awful," though. Just... derivative.
  3. No, @Chronocidal just proved that's impossible. It's gotta be over 6 meters in length.
  4. I think... Yes, I can just make out a light up ahead...
  5. Actually, if history is any indication: BARTLEY = End of line.
  6. Actually, that's a common mistranslation. "Transform" is a much more accurate translation of 変形 (henkei). As to the use of the verb, however... https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformation#.22Transform.22_as_a_verb
  7. October 22, 2021 is the currently-scheduled release date... ...but the simultaneous HBOMax release means more people will pirate the film online than pay to watch it in a theater... ...and box-office returns probably won't be enough to guarantee the sequel gets greenlit... ...meaning a significantly long wait to see the story actually completed, if at all... ...lest we end up with another Alita: Battle Angel situation, where only the first part of the story gets filmed.
  8. Good call, dude. Fist bump!
  9. Apparently, these re-released figures with Cartoon Network artwork will be Walmart-exclusives. Good luck finding MOC samples...
  10. That's got nothing to do with Evangelion. He's describing the premise of Westworld season 3. 😎
  11. Neither, I fear. The third film is particularly problematic; after the premiere of 3.33, even the Japanese voice actors were at a loss to explain the film.
  12. Light grey would be most anime-accurate... ...or perhaps silver was the intention...?
  13. Look, it's not that I mind having you in my lap, girl... ...but there's no way the canopy's gonna close with you there!
  14. There are alternatives... Arcadia's 1:60 figures are, as always, roughly equal in size to Bandai's 1:48th.
  15. And thank the God Emperor for it! The most annoying and distracting element of previous film versions have been those cheesy rotoscoped eyes.
  16. Right back at you, Cap'n. The empty chest cavity certainly suggested as much. 😅 Oh yeah, I prepared a cockpit pattern for the "Middle Period" Bioroids as well: ...but I'm not even sure the cockpits are the same size, actually. At this point, it's really just an intellectual exercise anyway.
  17. (assuming retailers actually order them, of course) 😅
  18. It remains an option, but I usually prefer more secure attachment methods. If I can refine the production process, I'd like to make multiples (for the upcoming Biopsychers, at the very least)... I'm printing these patterns on clear decal film, so I can make several identical cockpit modules: I still have to figure out what to use for the cockpit cradle, however. That will require a great deal more effort. Polyester putty, maybe...? 🤔
  19. Thanks to you guys! It's the attention and feedback from users in this thread that's keeping me motivated. Normally I'm loathe to show my work in such excruciating detail, but I wanted to demonstrate what a difference a few random decals can make...
  20. Those large Hobby Base ball joints are really stiff. I like 'em. BlueBoi has proven the most challenging to paint, particularly the head... ...but he's finally starting to look the part.
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