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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Bandai shipped them out to retailers a little early. Customers in Japan still have to wait until this weekend, but shops catering to overseas buyers aren't beholden to the "street date," I suppose.
  2. #1, #6, and... #18?
  3. You know it, bud. Sure, plenty. That's only about nine stories, on average.
  4. Oh hey, I found one! Roberto Daniel Sánchez posted it on Facebook in January, apparently. Edit: It seems to have been taken down.
  5. You'd be surprised to what lengths some people will go in order to win a contest. 😅
  6. Most can be purchased; some require assembly, some come pre-painted and assembled. Check out TomyTec, KATO, or any other N-gauge railroad accessory manufacturer. It's a large market, especially here in Japan.
  7. Awesome! I'm curious to see the robot mode, but... do you dare transform it? 😬 Doesn't everything that's made of resin? 😅
  8. Always happy to oblige, my friend... even if I don't know what you're talking about.
  9. Well, I've already purchased one, of course... 😅 ...but I've decided to tackle the N-Ger first because it'll complement the Kamjin, Gnerl, and Zentraedi pilot figures I've already built, and I expect it'll attract more attention for the contest because of its novelty. I've seen examples of completed Quincy Rowe kits before, but I've never seen a finished Norbert-Gerard...
  10. I suppose that depends on where your talent lies. If you're better at building dioramas, then perhaps that would give you an edge; however, it's the kits themselves that are being judged, so that's where you should be focusing your efforts.
  11. Look, I'll admit Aliens vs. Predator is a childish concept to begin with, but you guys have taken it to schoolyard-at-recess levels. But hey, if you can imagine it, I can stage it!
  12. "From Super Dimensional Cavalry Southern Cross: Bioroid female variant costume" "September 2021, AirRide" "skin"
  13. The Moscato Hobby Modelling Contest has motivated me to pull my Norbert-Gerard out of storage and put it together: ...and articulate it, of course, because I'm wont to make what I want to have... ...namely, more Macross toys! I usually prefer a clean, high-end toy sort of finish on my models, but this one calls for a little weathering, I think. Based on its appearance near the end of the series, I can imagine this powered armor has seen more combat than maintenance. 😅
  14. Lawrence Fishburne himself has gone on record saying he is not involved with “Resurrections.” The actor revealed to Vulture last summer that he was not invited back to play the character in the new sequel. Fishburne said he hadn’t been told any details, adding, “I have not been asked to join them.” More recently, Fishburne told Collider, “I am not in the next ‘Matrix’ movie, and you’d have to ask Lana Wachowski why, because I don’t have an answer for that.” https://www.indiewire.com/2021/09/matrix-4-trailer-morpheus-theories-1234663192/
  15. The fact is, you're both correct, and you've both made salient points to prove it; you're simply viewing the situation from two completely different perspectives. @treatment was already collecting Macross toys two decades ago, and is comparing his subjective experience as a Yamato customer then with his experience as a Bandai customer now. Back then, in a much less-competitive market, we spent less time and money acquiring the toys. @sqidd is a responsible business owner, and objectively comparing MSRPs while factoring in exchange rates and inflation of the US dollar. Bandai is a much larger company with far more resources than Yamato ever had, and is providing a higher-quality product at (relatively) lower prices. From a business perspective, Bandai's approach is obviously more financially-sound than Yamato's. However, their production and distribution practices has led to a huge scalping problem (greatly exacerbated by the overseas market) and as customers, we bear the brunt of that. Yamato was always a by-the-fans-for-the-fans kind of operation, for better or worse, and Bandai is quite the opposite. It's entirely possible to admire Yamato for their dedication to the customer, and at the same time acknowledge their inferiority to Bandai in both financial matters and production quality; it's just as possible to admire Bandai for their dedication to the product, and at the same acknowledge their inferiority to Yamato in both distribution and customer service. You guys aren't really arguing at all, just comparing differing points of view.
  16. Sorry, but I think you've been trolled. "Cucuruz Doan’s Island" is the infamous Gundam episode that was officially disowned by everyone involved in it. It'd be like Disney announcing a feature-film remake of The Star Wars Holiday Special. 😅
  17. Well, the lower-right caption still identifies Seifried as the pilot, but otherwise it's just the usual copyrights. The original "SOL" packaging had a sentence under Seifried's picture that said "this kit does not include a pilot figure." Kinda miss that.
  18. Feel free to copy-paste this instead, if you like:
  19. Cap's got real Photoshop skills, too! You know that katakana in red says "Seifried Weiss," right?
  20. Oh, I have figures at that scale... Bandai, naturally. In order to paint them, I'll be borrowing an electron microscope from the university science laboratory.
  21. Awesome. I especially like the detailing behind those secondary engine bells. Well, they weren't deployed that way... and it wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?
  22. Is the nose gun missing, or was it broken off?
  23. As if X-Transbots didn't have a full slate of upcoming releases already, they feel the need to resurrect CG mockups from six years ago...?
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