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Everything posted by tekering

  1. With our collections, it's very hard to find something later even if you do mark all your moving boxes... ...and virtually impossible if you don't.
  2. Way ahead of you, buddy.
  3. A couple of members, in fact... but while pictures of completed models are available, what does the raw kit look like? What colors are the parts molded in? Where are the seam lines? How does the scale compare to the 1:100 kit, or the Hi-Metal R toy version? There's just no source of reference for questions like that. That's why I had to track down one of my own (and the 1:72 Regult, which turned out to be a pleasant surprise). I don't expect a vintage '80s release to be nearly as good as a 2010 Bandai reissue, but I'm still hoping to find the definitive Glaug for my collection... ...at least, until I acquire a Moscato "Graug," that is. ๐Ÿ˜…
  4. I'm sure some of you have already seen what I'm working on... There are some very detailed parts!
  5. I just scored one for under ยฅ10,000 (including shipping), which is a fair price on the secondary market here. Hopefully it'll prove large and detailed enough to justify the cost. Stay tuned!
  6. I knew nothing of The Crow: City of Angels. I'd assumed Eric Draven had been recast -- hell, it sure looked like the same character! -- and having enjoyed the first film several times during its original theatrical run, I had no intention of seeing a needless sequel. It would appear the studio not only ruined the film, but the marketing as well. Very interesting video. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Spoiler alert! They didn't. But let's accentuate the positives: The packaging is great, the paint app's are terrific, and the Antoc Merrick figure is phenomenal. Probably the finest likeness Hasbro has ever captured on an action figure, even! His X-Wing represents all the proportional and scale accuracy we've come to expect from this mold... ...and as usual, you can wedge something in between the S-foils to keep them in proper "attack position." So this one gets a recommend from me. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  8. That's exactly what happens when the market becomes oversaturated with competing products that are more-or-less identical to each other. Collecting MCU figures has become just as bad, with MAFEX, Hasbro, Revoltech, Bandai and Comicave all producing nigh-identical Iron Man or Spider-Man figures... ๐Ÿคจ
  9. ...and significantly younger than Millie Bobby Brown (much less Taylor Swift)...?
  10. You seem a little lost as to the distribution format, too. The Rebuild of Evangelion movies are theatrical feature films, not OVAs.
  11. The 2010 Bandai reissues are still plentiful here, at the retail cost of ยฅ2000. Well, the 1:100 Glaug is a little undersized, but I wouldn't call it "indecent." ๐Ÿ˜… Bandai never reissued the 1:72 Glaug, and the original Arii kits go for big bucks nowadays... Nonetheless, I should be able to provide you with an objective comparison in the next few days.
  12. What? TWO HUNDRED and thirty dollars? Apparently not... I certainly won't be pre-ordering again without knowing the final cost.
  13. Having spent the last half-hour slapping this vintage kit together, I'm really impressed with the articulation and the proportional accuracy... In fact, I just ordered a second one. Once paint and markings have been applied, these will likely replace the rather diminutive Regults in my Hi-Metal R display.
  14. That's the 1:4000 Hasegawa kit...?! I'm absolutely gobsmacked.
  15. I enjoyed the game, but never liked the Palladium books for their line art. ๐Ÿ˜…
  16. Surprise, bitches! Even MORE firepower! Certainly, yeah... but I'm not unlocking the waist joint to find out! ๐Ÿ˜…
  17. So how would you recommend getting one? ๐Ÿคจ
  18. While I appreciate the association, I couldn't hope to challenge Saburo. He's got, like, an actual camera. My only advantage is geographic. I've never put an armored Valkyrie on a stand before, but... ...I've never had a GBP this articulate before, either!
  19. Whoops! Forgot who I was talking to. On the subject, I do wish my Hot Toys Predators were to scale with anything else in my sixth-scale collection...
  20. I think you may have confused feet for meters there. 40 feet is a little tall for a Zentraedi soldier, but commanders are often taller. 40 meters, however, is as tall as Ultraman. ๐Ÿ˜…
  21. I'm hoping for a Fall of Cybertron Metroplex, myself.
  22. People making such comments ought to at least check the thread they're posting in first...
  23. American companies are as bad as Japanese companies when it comes to ignoring the international market. Those of us in Japan or South Africa are naturally excluded, but when collectors in the US start calling them "eBay exclusives," you know there's a problem with the distribution system itself. ๐Ÿคจ
  24. How palpably ironic. Joel Coen is directing this one solo, while his brother Ethan is taking a break from films to focus on theater. So for his first solo effort, Joel does a Shakespeare play, entirely on soundstages, and in black-and-white. ๐Ÿ˜…
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