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Everything posted by tekering

  1. ...and then you'll want a figure to ride it.
  2. Absolutely; adequate lighting, sharp focus, clean white background. You should encourage Duck to participate, @Convectuoso.
  3. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Had to take the hit. But (as you say) HMR merch has never been difficult to pre-order, import, or acquire on the secondary market, so "Japan-only" isn't really an issue for any of us... and as traditional brick-and-mortar retail continues to deteriorate, luxury items are frequently only sold online anyway. It all comes down to the size of the potential market, and whether Bandai, Arcadia et.al. see the product as a worthwhile return-on-investment.
  4. I see a lot of of blemishes in the finish, but the airbrush work is nice. What happened to the rubber hips?
  5. And here it is: ...for a seriously unpalatable $80.
  6. The grain didn't bother me on my 136-inch screen nearly as much as the flickering did. My girlfriend shielded her eyes and asked me to turn it off. I'd have given it right back to them.
  7. Didn't you recognize the alt. mode? As a child, I tended to keep my Transformers in their vehicle modes (whether in storage or on display), because they invariably looked better in their alt. modes AND were far more anime-accurate than they were as robots... ...and even as a child, I had no interest whatsoever in that so-called Galvatron. Thinking back, I often wonder if my interest in Transformers today is fueled simply by my dissatisfaction with G1 toys.
  8. Looking at still images, I wouldn't blame you for making such an assumption; however, watching the sandstorm of HD grain swirling over the image at 30fps emphasizes the 1080p resolution more than the animation itself does, that's for sure. And again, here's what the Japanese gave us NINE years ago: Shame on you, Funimation.
  9. I can confirm that. Having acquired Funimation's HD release of The Macross Saga, there are two separate audio tracks; both are 5.1 surround, both feature the 2003 Robotech: Remastered audio, and both are identical, as far as I can tell. There are plenty of omissions to be disappointed about, but I think the image quality is a far more significant problem. I've been watching Macross on Blu-ray for nine years now, and this is how I expected the series to look: With nearly a decade of advances in digital noise reduction, compression algorithms, image scaling and the like, this is what Funimation now gives us: It's a horribly grainy, over-exposed, blown-out high contrast print, and the backlighting is so inconsistent that the image frequently appears to flicker like an old film projector. I was excited to hear the show would be released on Blu-ray, because it would mean I could replace my HD upscales of Southern Cross, but... [ ... ] ...I fear Robotech Masters isn't going to look any better.
  10. In both your cases, guys, you're dealing with small parts that have failed under stress. No attempt to repair these parts is likely to adequately strengthen them. As Captain America has suggested, the only viable solution is to replace them with new parts. As I've dabbled with silicon molding in the past, I've had success replacing broken joints in Transformers with reproductions made of more resilient materials. It's a complicated process, but getting a replacement part designed and produced on a 3D printer is equally complicated. Either way, you've got to remove rivets embedded in plastic, which is a pain in-and-of-itself. That could hold the piece together for display, but probably wouldn't survive a transformation. I wouldn't buy a broken toy, unless I had no intentions of playing with it.
  11. The cloth, the accessories, the sculpts, the skin tone, and especially the paint work on the faces is far beyond what I've ever seen on figures at that scale. Hell, these look better than most 1:6 figures do! The price might even have been justified, if only the likenesses resembled the actors more than their stunt doubles...
  12. I did consider adding a tattered cloak, actually... but that would be gilding the lily. 😅 Although, now that you mention it, the last toy I dirtied up so extensively was a Bayverse figure: I suppose a more realistic paint job will automatically dredge up associations with the live-action films.
  13. So, as someone who collects Transformers as character merchandise, this was an extremely atypical purchase for me: Toys Alliance Archecore ARC-02, "Frost Light." Basically, I bought it for the bad-ass vehicle mode. It has a distinctly Mad Max-vibe to it... ...or rather, it would, if it weren't so clean. So I spent a couple hours with an airbrush, a sanding sponge, a bottle of panel-lining solution and a Q-Tip... ...and I think the results speak for themselves. It's actually kind of exciting, having a figure with no established identify within the Transformers franchise. He could be a good guy, a bad guy, or just a mercenary with no allegiance to any specific faction or ideology. So now I want to add more similarly-scaled armored vehicles to this new collection I've begun. What other D-list Transformers (or unique third-party figures) fit this "post-apocalyptic wasteland "aesthetic? I'm thinking Hunt for the Decepticons Axor, or Reveal the Shield Lugnut, perhaps... 🤔
  14. Sure. They scale great with the Hiya Toys line. http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_031208b.htm
  15. Oh, that's intriguing. What other 1:8000 ships do you have?
  16. To see Emily Rudd in heels. What, that's not adequate justification...?
  17. So... the entire purpose of that teaser was to spoil the climax of the first film... 🤢 ...only to retcon the hero's death like a slasher film sequel? 🤮
  18. Jean-Pierre Jeunet... Darren Aronofsky... even the Wachowskis would be a solid choice, I think. I generally prefer relative unknown actors to casting big stars (and all the baggage from previous roles they bring with them).
  19. Seriously? Waititi seems like a wildly inappropriate choice to me, akin to asking Kevin Smith to do The Ten Commandments... or Rob Zombie to helm the next Dora the Explorer movie.
  20. Amazing as always, @Mog! I made this knife out of foam and sheet styrene for my costume: However, it didn't survive the evening's activities.
  21. That yellow is striking, but completely inconsistent with the color schemes Tatsunoko employed with the Zor... or even what Sunrise had done with Mobile Suit Gundam (its most obvious progenitor).
  22. I keep everything. I can already see this eventuality. It'll become impossible to find (or even access) many of the boxes, I'm sure... I would never dare show my wife. The attic remains safely inaccessible to her. 😅
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