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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Absolutely. I was sure Jonathan Botting would take the top spot with his remarkable paint work (on both his sumissions), but then @Boobytrap showed his stunning display base, with all the shiny lights; he would've surely won, if he'd had the time to complete it properly. Heck, @Bolt's not even ready to submit yet, and he's already put my weathering to shame! I must've just slipped past by the skin of my teeth. 😬 Thanks for the acknowledgement, everybody, and keep up the awesome work!
  2. A Spartan would be most welcome, since Wave never produced one. There are mass-produced injection-molded kits from Bandai and Wave far superior to the Kitz Concept models depicted above, however... ...although I guess this is still good news for the toy-only collectors.
  3. Oh my God, what an incredible demonstration of editing talent! That's gotta be the best-edited trailer EVER. 😵 And Laurie Strode from Halloween?
  4. I like where you're going with this piece, Bolt. I'm very curious about all the chipping on the back hatch and the back of the thighs in particular... Is it meant to indicate exposure to the elements, like on some harsh alien moon or something?
  5. Only because I decided the diorama wasn't worthy of submission. I actually took those photos first, but then chose to submit the N-Ger by itself after realizing it looked better against a neutral grey background. I kind of shot myself in the foot, trying to be accurate to the anime with my Zentraedi hangar... 'cause it's a really limited color scheme. It was a tough decision, but I eventually thought better of squeezing all my "Z Alien" kits into a single entry. The Norbert-Gerard is my best work, and strong enough on its own.
  6. I've been anxious to see what you were going to do with that base, @Boobytrap. You don't disappoint! It's wonderfully retro-futuristic. Clay...! That clear support rod looks rather precarious... Will it handle the weight indefinitely? What's it made of? I don't think that qualifies as a diorama, exactly... A diorama would be more along these lines, see. I figured you'd appreciate this.
  7. Thanks, the kit deserves a lot more attention than it gets. The Nousjadeul-Ger design itself has never gotten much love, and Moscato's kit gets no love whatsoever! I've done my best to rectify this injustice: I've chosen to submit these three pics to best represent the work I put into it, along with this brief description: 1:72 “Norbert-Gerard” sculpted by John F. Moscato, produced and distributed by Return To Kit Form. Hobby Base and Revoltech aftermarket joint parts used to articulate the arms, legs, and cannon armature. Custom levers and switches added to the cockpit controls for additional interior detailing. Further images and description here: https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45459-would-you-buy-a-repop-of-gerard-norbert-n-ger-because-now-you-can/?do=findComment&comment=1605052 I imagine Brett and the Cap'n will have a difficult choice ahead of them, but I'm really grateful for their efforts in hosting this contest. I might never have found the motivation to complete the kit otherwise.
  8. The custom work I'm typically known for isn't immediately visible in photographs. You've got to pick up the model and play with it to see all the articulation I've added... 23 points total, including two for the shoulder cannon armature. I also put at lot of work into detailing the interior, but it's very difficult to photograph effectively.
  9. Yeah, I thought so, too. The painting and weathering went fairly well (with only a few catastrophic mishaps along the way), but the color scheme itself was significantly more work than I'd anticipated. Just pinning down what color the N-Ger is supposed to be proved somewhat challenging: Its first appearance, in a single shot from episode 27, looks nothing like its subsequent appearances; in fact, it's so far off-model that I'm not even sure it's meant to be the same mecha. It's second appearance is much more accurate to the line art, but the color scheme doesn't look like anything else in the Zentraedi arsenal... This scheme is the most commonly-seen, although there are a lot of minor inconsistencies in color from shot-to-shot; it's hard to pin down exactly. Official merchandising is even more confusing: This is how most vintage model kits have been painted up, based on the utterly bizarre box art coloring.... ...but this vintage toy, based on Kamujin's custom scheme, seemed to be reliably accurate. Again, there are numerous little areas that switch from red, to green, to brown (depending on the shot), but I looked to the close-ups for the best reference: ...and made myself this color guide for painting reference. I think I managed to reproduce the color scheme fairly accurately. It was only after I began the weathering and chipping process that I realized, subconsciously, why I'd chosen to paint my N-Ger in Kamujin's colors: It matches my Boba Fett armor.
  10. Oh, what scale is that kit? It looks much simpler than the 1:60 version I have; no removable landing gear, for example.
  11. Walmart exclusives, available for preorder (for the moment). Links here. Also available from Robot Kingdom in Hong Kong for international customers.
  12. Damn, that's a hell of a gauntlet drop... or is it a mic drop? I just wish the pics were more evenly-lit, so we could see his work more clearly. Oh no, I require much greater accuracy than that. Using salt is much too crude, especially at such a small scale. The hairspray method allows me to remove minuscule flecks of paint in the precise areas where impacts are likely to have occurred, see. That's entirely up to your imagination, my friend.
  13. Aw, fer Chrissake... This is rapidly turning into a commiseration thread.
  14. I feel ya, man. Maybe we should both try automotive primer. 🤕 Here's an exclusive sneak peek, just for you.
  15. Next time I'm in a pinch, I'll try my local hardware store. Thanks, Cap'n! I see 23 different retailers selling it on the Amazon.jp marketplace. Maybe some of them ship internationally...?
  16. Say what you will about NECA, but their ED-209 is holding up well in my display... ...whereas my Hot Toys version is disintegrating. If true, that would be a dream come true for me. 😍
  17. I've had setbacks of my own... Word to the wise: DON'T use Tamiya white primer, even if you've run out of the usual grey and you've got nothing else on hand. I've had excellent results with Tamiya grey and oxide red primers, but the white stuff is worse than useless. 😣
  18. Guys, the Blu-ray packaging says the special features are "480 standard definition 4:3." You can assume the prototype toy presentation was produced back in the '80s (and probably sourced from VHS).
  19. That's always the case with this sort of contest. Even simple modeling projects take more time than anticipated, and there's nothing simple about building a resin kit! In my experience, less that one-third of participants actually finish on time, so last-minute extensions are commonplace. Extending the deadline by even a week tends to significantly increase the number of submissions.
  20. The most immediately obvious elements are the elbow and knee joint covers, which have been Gundam staples for four decades now... ...both with the GM/Gundam designs and all the Zaku variants... Less, I'd say... unless you consider outliers like the Testament Gundam.
  21. M'Kyuun was referencing the Gundam franchise (hence the italics) in terms of overall design aesthetic, recognizing elements in Figueroa's design common to several Mobile Suits -- particularly from the later U.C. era -- and wasn't referring to Gundam types in particular. And thank Primus for it! The shoulders, in particular, harken back to the original G1 toy design... ...not Floro Dery's lame animation model (clearly based on a mistransformed toy).
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