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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Great posing, @lechuck. That's what I call serendipity!
  2. Oh man, they so badly need to produce a ver.2 GP01... I mean, every single angle on the MG was wrong.
  3. He might've looked more convincing if they hadn't gone overboard with the guyliner... Tom Hanks is the bigger miscasting, though. Was there no actor out there who "sounds" like a Dutchman that they could have hired? 🙄 I was confused by the vintage music. Why use a cover of "Unchained Melody" for the trailer, as opposed to... any original Elvis hit single? I love me some Baz as well, but this looks like a bigger misfire than Bohemian Rhapsody.
  4. Very well-stated. Turning James T. Kirk into Peter Quill pretty much doomed the "Kelvin" films from the outset.
  5. Has the damn finally burst? Are licensing rights now a grab-bag free-for-all? It's always confused me how nigh-identical Marvel figures from SH Figuarts, MAFEX, Revoltech, Comicave, ThreeZero, etc. could be produced in Asia, but seeing the same thing happen with NECA and Super 7's TMNT lines, and now Hiya announcing 1:12 scale RoboCop figures, Godzilla toys, and... GI Joe!? Hasbro's licensed GI Joe to another action figure manufacturer?! What the hell is going on?
  6. Or even (as the Trek films are wont to do) simply transfer Chekov to another starship.
  7. The Apache's great, but I prefer the sleek lines of its immediate predecessor, the AH-1W Super Cobra. It's got access panels for maintenance, engine repair, and a removable toolbox: A highly detailed set of flight controls for both pilot and co-pilot: Engine detailing and authentic markings: ...and shelf presence to spare. This was the most recent addition to my collection, and I had to pay a hefty late tax on the secondary market.
  8. Nice. Would you mind measuring its length for me? I'd like to determine the scale.
  9. Regardless of whether they satisfied your expectations, entertained you, or represent what you think Star Trek should be, the "Kelvin" films have proven financially successful, particularly Star Trek Into Darkness. While Wrath of Khan remains the perennial favorite among fans, it's important to acknowledge that Into Darkness made nearly FIVE TIMES more money, and that's ultimately what decides whether further films get produced. In fact, if you add the combined worldwide gross of all six original Trek films, AND add the combined worldwide gross of all four Next Generation films, the total still amounts to less than what the three Bad Robot films have earned.
  10. Terrific! These improved heads are definitely closer to Moscato standards. Oh, I love the interior detail on the chest plate. 👌 The obvious solution there is to provide two chest plates in the kit; one with interior contours designed to fit snugly around the cockpit for normal display, and an open chest plate revealing the cockpit. That way, we won't need to dick around figuring out how to articulate the chest plate. 😅 In fact, since Bug Face was never seen with an open cockpit anyway, a single chest plate will suffice for him.
  11. Actually, that idea existed before The Mandalorian... Before Star Wars... Before Godzilla, even. Hell, wuxia films were doing it a century ago! 😅
  12. I'd like to be the first to congratulate Hideaki Anno for winning 2022's "Stupidest idea of the year" award. I mean, it's only February, but I can't imagine any dumber concept will rear its head... Any five year-old in his sandbox would scoff at this.
  13. Good news, Star Wars collectors! We know how much you love Mandalorians, and we know how much you love The Vintage Collection, so we're releasing three new characters straight from season 2 of The Mandalorian, with unique head sculpts, weapons, and removable helmets! Best of all, they're all Target exclusives, so their cards will likely be bent and their blisters will probably be crushed... if you even manage to snag a preorder, that is. Who are we kidding? You'll all have to pay triple their retail rate on eBay if you actually want to add them to your collection. Just remember, Hasbro loves you... just not as much as we love scalpers. 😅
  14. Note to Jada Toys' vehicle division: Great job incorporating the LED lighting, guys! You're knocking it out of the park! Note to Jada Toys' figure division: Guys, we need to talk.
  15. Hey Cap'n, thanks for hearing me out. I know it's difficult for artists to accept criticism (constructive or otherwise), and I appreciate the acknowledgement. I also realize we're asking for the impossible, but... you've made miracles happen before! 😅 Oh yeah, I totally see that. The "blobs on medallion" discrepancy is particularly egregious. I would suggest the lateral tabs should stop short of the hoses, so the hoses lie against the chest on either side of the tabs, rather than over them. That would more closely match the artwork. That's poorly inadequate reference to work from. Yes, I maintain the animation model sheets should always be the primary source of reference, but not when they're so demonstrably inferior to the detail we can see onscreen: At the risk of contradicting myself (and despite the inherent inconsistencies present), I think we should be trying to emulate what's actually depicted in the anime. I know it's a fool's errand, but there's gotta be a "happy medium" that amalgamates all the reference we have. The animators were clearly working from the same line art we're examining -- and ran into many of the same frustrating problems, no doubt -- but the results are what we remember seeing in the show, and that's what we're really trying to reproduce, right?
  16. Bug-Eyes is a more difficult subject to tackle, given its dearth of screen time and poor-resolution line art, but there are some relatively straight lines separating the individual panels that make up the face: Yours is vaguely similar, but not at all what I was expecting. Those bulging cheeks just look wrong to me. Keep at it, Cap! We know you can do better. ❤️
  17. Honestly, Cap'n, I just don't think you're there yet. You know what a huge fan of your work I am, and -- with all due respect -- these aren't up to your usual standards of accuracy. You've clearly interpreted the line art quite differently from how the animators did, and it's led to some significant discrepancies from the animation. Specifically, I want to offer some constructive feedback on the shape of the heads. The "Hemmoroid," to start with, should have a more trapezoidal shape to the face, tapering out towards the top: Yours is much more rectangular, giving the head a distinctly different profile. Furthermore, I think your "chin" is much wider and rounder than it should be. The line art certainly suggests as much. And then there's the pearl necklace: Much too large, and too close to center, making it jut out like a python around his neck. Making the chest greeblies smaller and shallower would probably help a great deal there.
  18. It's really not fair to hold Rodriguez responsible for the shortcomings of The Book of Boba Fett. His success directing Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian (the only second-season episode to have a perfect 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, incidentally) proved he could make Boba Fett a badass again, and it's only really the shortcomings of Jon Favreau's writing that have weakened Fett's character. Favreau's the only credited writer on the series, and even Temuera Morrison has complained about the excessive dialogue in Favreau's scripts, preferring the strong, silent characterization of the OT Boba. Rodriguez could only work with what's on the page.
  19. Having gone to such pains to make Boba the good guy, Cad Bane had to assume the bad guy role... and the obligatory climactic showdown naturally led to a foregone conclusion. Frankly, I hadn't wanted to see the bad guy win this badly since Avatar. 🙄 Your observations have been right on the money, man, but I've gotta call you out for hypocrisy here. Sure, many fans only follow the movies, and don't concern themselves with secondary media -- I remember being confused by Niobe in The Matrix Reloaded, not having played Enter the Matrix -- but this is just another Star Wars spin-off TV show, and much less significant to the saga than The Clone Wars was. Dave Filoni, having written and produced Rebels, The Bad Batch, and The Mandalorian (not to mention the aforementioned Clone Wars) has kept the Star Wars saga alive, consistently producing content superior to any of the live-action films since the '80s. Working closely with Lucas himself, he's incorporated all the best elements of the franchise as a whole, maintaining a very strict continuity over decades of content. Disney, at the same time, has casually disregarded everything but what they could regurgitate from the original trilogy. Under Kathleen Kennedy, the sequel trilogy was so badly mismanaged that, were it not for Dave Filoni, Star Wars would be on life-support now. And yes, you're correct; many fans only follow live-action stuff, and look down on "cartoons." However, we anime fans consider ourselves more enlightened than that. As a Macross World moderator, I'd have expected you to show more respect to animated media.
  20. Fabulous pictures, @jvmacross! I hope your observations don't fall on deaf ears.
  21. Well, they clearly prioritized Battloid mode, at the expense of the fighter profile. No amount of tampo or panel-lining can hide that. I mean, it's much better than Toynami's efforts... ...but I think Yamato was doing it better twenty years ago!
  22. You were probably thinking of my Countach.
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