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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Never in a million years would I have imagined I'd see Blaster in a Disney film...! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  2. I guess that explains the vertical orientation of the warp core, then... They're not even trying to pretend it's the same ship. ๐Ÿ™„
  3. Looks great by itself, but if it doesn't scale properly with all the other Legends-sized figures in my Iron Factory/Magic Square/MechFanToys/War in Pocket/NewAge collection (as many NewAge figures don't), I'll have no use for it. At this stage of the game, scale is everything.
  4. So, without revealing any spoilers for "Ghosts of Illyria," I want to question a statement Doctor M'Benga makes in the episode. He refers to the Enterprise as "the flagship of Starfleet," a distinction I only recall being applied to Picard's Galaxy-class Enterprise. If memory serves, there were fourteen identical Constitution-class ships in service during Pike's tenure (some of which continued to be in service even after Enterprise was destroyed), so it seems disingenuous at best to call Enterprise the flagship. Are we simply to assume this is another example of the writers not doing their homework?
  5. "Bust" and "breast" are not the same thing, Bandai. ๐Ÿ™„
  6. Most of us here were children of the '80s, having grown up with Robotech, Star Wars, Transformers, Ghostbusters, Alien, Predator, and Star Trek... ...and, given what has been done to every single one of these franchises in the 21st century... ...I think we all need a hug. ๐Ÿค•
  7. Oh, so the Masters are an empire now? That's an entirely new sociopolitical structure. Who's the Emperor?
  8. Okay, I never saw those. I stand corrected. (The War For Cybertron trilogy didn't have any human characters either, but I discounted it because of its incredibly low budget. It was produced so cheaply that they couldn't even afford real voice actors.) ๐Ÿ˜‘ That would've been a terrible idea, and I'm glad it was never attempted. The premise doesn't require returning human characters, and it would greatly strain credulity if they had returned... unless it was merely as consultants (like Ian Malcolm's cameo in Fallen Kingdom). It was bad enough the Alien franchise had to keep bringing back Ellen Ripley... ๐Ÿ™„
  9. Yes, but it's a marketing necessity if you're going to get studio funding. You can do anything you want in a comic book, but as soon as you're spending real money to produce a story, it's got to have mainstream appeal. That's why every Transformers film or TV series features a human male protagonist (despite the whole premise revolving around an alien civil war). You can even look to those rare examples where money was spent producing a film (or series) without a human protagonist -- The Dark Crystal, for instance -- and in every instance, they've been tremendous commercial failures. ๐Ÿ˜”
  10. No, footage from "The Cage" was already used as a flashback in "If Memory Serves," an episode of Discovery's second season (which I take it you missed). Pike's encounter with the Talosians happened five years before Strange New Worlds, during his first five-year mission.
  11. There certainly isn't... not even in Robotech. Apparently, this soldier's job was to kill robots. ๐Ÿคจ Robots used by his own army, no less... ๐Ÿคญ ๐Ÿ™„ That nonsensical nomenclature was probably Matchbox's doing. ๐Ÿ˜’
  12. Only because he was written that way. After Kirk's death in Into Darkness, he had to take over as the action hero. I'm not feeling it. Quinto-Spock had Leonard Nimoy to play off of, and it was easy to accept Quinto as a younger version of Prime Spock (at least in the first film)... Ethan Peck, on the other hand, is playing a character firmly established as Michael Burnham's little brother. ๐Ÿ˜’
  13. There are many, many better options available for eye decals. Start by re-sizing these images for 1:48 scale: The sculpts and detail work is remarkable at that scale, but the eyes are letting you down.
  14. "Expertly Photoshopped" is more like it... but not even expertly enough to fool me. ๐Ÿคจ Look closely, and you'll see all the telltale signs of photo manipulation.
  15. That's Vector Prime from Galaxy Force (aka Cybertron), not Vector Sigma, the spherical computer module featured in most Transformers continuities (but not the Bayverse). ๐Ÿ˜…
  16. Adapting video games to live-action is about as successful as adapting anime series to live-action... ๐Ÿ˜‘
  17. Congratulations! What model of printer did you buy?
  18. I can appreciate how classic design elements have been incorporated into the new sets, including the shuttlecraft interiors: But the production design hews so close to the new movie aesthetics, I just can't see why they're still clinging to the "Prime universe" setting so desperately. Strange New Worlds would be a lot less hamstrung by established canon if were set in the Kelvin timeline. And for that matter, why didn't they just spinoff the adventures of Pine, Quinto et.al. into a new TV series? Would those actors really be so much more expensive than the Toronto casts they're relying on now? ๐Ÿคจ
  19. Anyone who knows anything about Star Trek knows this engineering section makes no sense whatsoever. ๐Ÿ˜‘ It's not quite as absurd as the virtually-infinite space around the turbolift shafts, but... are we supposed to believe the only thing preventing an antimatter explosion in this warp core is an invisible forcefield? ๐Ÿคจ While it's nice to see the characters actually interacting (something Discovery steadfastly avoided), I can't say the same for the stories... They've been so utterly forgettable so far, I literally can't recall anything that happened in last week's pilot episode. Of course, "forgettable" is still the best compliment I've given Star Trek in the last two decades. ๐Ÿ˜’
  20. Sure, there are tons of great BGC designs that have yet to be realized in physical form: ...but if produced, they'd have to be at 1:18th to scale with most existing Aramaki and Artmic merchandise.
  21. Yeah, but that vehicle mode... ๐Ÿ˜ The camper top was also far more accurate to the Toyota Hi-Lux (and the G1 toy) than the upcoming Masterpiece, which is instead based on the simplified Sunbow animation model. ๐Ÿ˜‘
  22. ยฅ21,780? ๐Ÿคญ Too little, too late, and too much, TT. ๐Ÿ˜’ While I admit MP-56 is an improvement (at least in the legs), I remain satisfied with "Terraegis."
  23. While I would still contend that season one was worse, I was surprised by how poorly episode 10 concluded season 2. Overall, there were fewer cringe moments in the second season than in the first, but the final episode was chock full of 'em. From plot points to dialogue to visual effects, "Farewell" contained the worst scenes of the whole series. The resolution of Seven and Raffi's friendship felt unearned (if not forced), second only to the "you've gotta be sh!tting me" resolution of Kore's narrative. I only hope to hell that Santiago Cabrera and Isa Briones are now free to pursue promising careers, rather than contributing to the necrophiliac gang rape of TNG that season three promises to be. ๐Ÿ˜’
  24. What's with the apostrophe? ๐Ÿคจ
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