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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Nor did they impress Michael Bay, who specifically references the incongruity of those Cybertronian robot modes in Transformers DVD supplementals ("Prime walking around Cybertron with truck bits" is more-or-less a direct quote). As a result, he quickly decided to ignore Sunbow entirely and do his own thing. Thankfully, Travis Knight showed a little more respect for G1 in the Bumblebee prologue, but he was still saddled with Bay's design legacy. πŸ˜’
  2. Still better than anything Genesis Breakers has spat out. πŸ˜‘
  3. The files do exist... ...but the results were less-than-stellar. 🀨 Mind you, that was nearly seven years ago.
  4. Happy New Year, guys! 🎊 As you can see, I've been busy curating my collection beyond the anime room... πŸ˜… I've been offered a whole table at this year's Mikansei Hobby Show as well, and I'm hoping to complete all my Invid garage kits in time for the event. The SDF-1 project will be set aside for the time being. Thanks for your continued interest. ☺️
  5. It's unequivocally more accurate than any other toy (or model kit) yet produced, but your concerns are clearly justified. There's certainly room for improvement. That's also a significant issue, as it affects the forward position of the command tower. All that said, it's entirely academic at this point. There are multiple SDF-1 prototypes that have been publicly displayed over the past decade, but have yet to make it to the production stage... πŸ™
  6. Wrong thread. πŸ˜‰
  7. Thanks for the heads-up! I don't think I'd ever heard of Earthspark before you mentioned it, but I checked out the first couple episodes today, and it's... weird. πŸ™ It's ostensibly a sequel to the Sunbow series, with specific flashbacks recreating shots from 1984 (first season) and 1986 (the Movie), although retconned to include Alita-One... πŸ€” Marvel-style comic book art is also directly referenced. The character (and vehicle) designs are kind of a cross between Prime and Cyberverse, however... ...and I can't figure out what the hell they've done to Megatron's personality. 🀨 The writing and voice talent seems to favour the human cast, I'm sorry to say.
  8. It was not the video itself, but the comments that surprised me: 😨 Is MEP color-blind? I mean, apart from not even watching the anime, their own packaging art shows the cherry-red eye behind the maroon armor. πŸ™„
  9. Photo 01 depicts a 1:12 scale body, next to the Sentinel figure. ☺️
  10. It would appear that ship has already sailed. πŸ˜‘ At least the human figure will look good... if painted, that is.
  11. It's a terrific little kit -- more accurate than previous model iterations -- and it includes a lot of additional parts for optional display, including open "wings," exposed verniers, and different arm and weapon combinations. My only caveats are the legs (which only stay attached until you try and reposition them), and the generic pilot head (who is clearly not intended to be Koji). 🀨
  12. Let me take the guesswork out of the equation, gentlemen: It's not even remotely close to 1:12 scale. πŸ™„ In fact, it's not even big enough to display with 1:18 scale figures, as I'd hoped it would be... 😐 This animation reference drawing indicates a height of just over 2 meters, which means the Moderoid model (at 118mm) would be roughly 1:18th... ...but promotional images (and indeed much of the animation itself) suggests they'd decided to scale it up a little, which is why other online stats claim heights as tall as 2.4 meters. These figures are about 1:20th, and I think that establishes the Moderoid at the same scale. Opinions?
  13. I wonder how many people will find interest, after reading that the windshield and hood will not have to be compromised for the fins. πŸ‘ Car mode is going to look much better than the previous prototype had looked, that's for sure. 😊
  14. Oh, c'mon. That's just stupid. πŸ™„ This is rapidly turning into fanfic garbage.
  15. For this year's "Planet Cafe" modelling contest, each participant has chosen a Moderoid kit from Obsolete to build. I chose Zahir's "Obambo." I drilled out the sculpted camera lens "eye," and installed a green LED instead. I also did more chipping and weathering than I've ever done on a model before... "Little" is an understatement! πŸ˜…
  16. Dammit @Perxion, you and @Tober are goading me into buying a 3D printer of my own, aren't you? Very impressive design work, guys.
  17. I don't blame you there! πŸ˜… I'm sure you'll find the Spartas much easier, both because of the more angular features and proper style guides to work from. Quite a bit further, actually... Given the more advanced nature of these 'roids, I've devised a more advanced pattern of decals for 'em.
  18. Are you suggesting this secondary intake is redundant? πŸ˜… It just looks like sloppy work to me... right down to the spelling inconsistency. πŸ™„
  19. Au contraire, mon Capitaine! I filled it in. As far as I can tell, it's a lot more anime-accurate that way. It's just how I see it, of course... ...and you may well disagree. We all know how inconsistent the animation was... ...but I think there's enough onscreen evidence to support my interpretation.
  20. Not at all, man. Different Bioroid, different thread. 😊 I'm actually grateful to have that Duck Models build for reference as I move forward with my own Hemorroid, as it shows pitfalls to avoid and opportunities for improvement. The lenses in the head represent one such opportunity, since our erstwhile Captain was thoughtful enough to make them separate pieces: By using those pieces as a buck, I could make transparent versions using the ol' "heat and smash" method.
  21. With apologies to @Convectuoso, it really didn't. πŸ˜’ The green color was a good choice, and the red is pretty close, but the orange... isn't. 🀨 More importantly, I see the same problem inherent with other Duck Model builds is just as prevalent here: the limbs aren't correctly attached. Dare to compare: I avoided commenting until I had my own kit in-hand for comparison -- and I had commissions to complete before I could devote time to it -- but now that I've begun assembling the "Hemorroid," I can objectively criticize Duck's work. The thighs are floating above the knees (leaving visible gaps), and their ball-joints don't appear to be fitted properly to the torso, either. This makes the thighs appear too long, too thin, and much too far apart. Worse still, it pushes the "skirt" armour out to the sides at an oblique angle, which forces the arms to hang at such an awkward position that they look broken at the bicep joint. The chest pipes are flared out (rather than hanging down), the knee segments are the wrong color, and the shoulders are at completely incongruent positions. πŸ™„ As this was the first painted sample to have appeared online (and still the only completed one I've seen to date), I'm concerned by how badly it misrepresents Moscato's design. If I were @captain america, I'd be upset to see my work presented in such a manner. I admire his restraint, having refrained from commenting personally... I don't think I could be as magnanimous. I just hope I can do justice to his work, 'cause these are fabulous kits. For anyone else needing proper reference, I'm happy to share my color model sheets. πŸ˜‡ These are the colors I'm testing:
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