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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Good news, my friend! Having completed rough assembly on both kits, I can now confirm the Imai 1:12 Mospeada bikes scale perfectly with Aoshima's 1:12 Moto-slave. Aoshima's Priss figure (above right) is clearly too small, as previously noted; however, we don't need her. Atelier-Sai already released a proper 1:12 scale Priss in hardsuit, pre-painted and fully-articulated. Even mounted on the bike, Atelier-Sai's figure looks much better... so much so, in fact, that I might get three more of Aoshima's Moto-slaves, and paint one up for each of their "S.M.S." Knight Sabers figures.
  2. I've preordered mine from Amazon.jp.
  3. For well over a thousand years, English speakers have ignored foreign pronunciation rules and just applied their own phonetic conventions instead... which is why we pronounce karaoke as "carry-okie" instead of "kahra-okay." To mispronounce Legioss is simply part of that proud tradition (and perfectly consistent with English phonics, at least). If Tatsunoko really gave a damn, they would've used a spelling like "Leggy Ohss" anyway... and we wouldn't have this trivial problem. And yet, despite repeated apologies, you do (ironically enough) pronounce "Gakken" correctly.
  4. Having never seen "The False Songstress," I had little interest in the YF-25 Prophecy... but I've admired it from afar, and -- seeing its value going up and up on the secondary market -- I finally decided to get one while I could still afford it. I'm glad I did. It's a gorgeous bird.
  5. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Regult reinforcements have arrived!
  6. I stand corrected! Your clarification is much appreciated. I do think "android" is entirely inappropriate for a piloted mecha, but that's a different issue entirely... So how about that Kidz Concept Robotech toy line, eh?
  7. It's a portmanteau of "battle" and "humanoid." Just because Japanese can't be bothered to look up (let alone remember) how to spell "battle" doesn't mean we have to legitimize their lazy ignorance. "Battroid" is just plain wrong, and always has been. And yeah, nothing changes with regards to rights until the existing contracts expire.
  8. Hey, the Evo Zeta comes with Dark Legioss figures! Are you having trouble positioning the hand so that it fits under the forearm?
  9. "Battloid" isn't a ROBOTECH-specific designation... it's the proper romanization of バトロイド, which comes directly from Macross.
  10. If you have the modeling skills, it shouldn't be hard to modify the "Storm Attacker" to a cruiser mode SDF-1... Easier still would be modifying the existing cruiser kit with more TV-accurate parts from the upcoming Storm Attacker kit.
  11. Why the hell would they ship you the head separately...?
  12. Actually, mechaninac was asking for a TV version SDF-1, not an upscaled Hasegawa half-assed DYRL retool...
  13. No, dick7077 just forgot to rotate them. His 1:3000 Yamato DYRL Macross is mistransformed.
  14. Well, mine's "in the clear," as it were: ...which is more than I can say for my Aoshima, CMs, or Toynami birds.
  15. That's a painting by concept artist Patrick Rosander.
  16. Spoken like someone who has literally never watched a single episode of any of the series. The Orville is Seth McFarlane wanting to be Star Trek; Discovery is Star Trek wanting to be Battlestar Galactica. ...If you're a Ron Moore fan, you may appreciate both!
  17. Okay, despite your broken syntax I think I understand what you were trying to say now... "...they never made any model kits of the Strike Dagger, apart from a crappy non-grade." What you meant by "non grade" is still open for debate, however.
  18. I question your assumption, sir. The 1/12 Aoshima Priss figure isn't to scale, but I believe the Motoslave bike is. I would provide proof, but I haven't assembled the kit yet...
  19. Please show us pictures of the mini-figures!
  20. No, they're obviously still using the same crap factory. I don't expect any real improvement until they change factories. I got mine today, and was anxious to compare them to the original Imai releases: The new boxes are a little smaller, but (apart from a few logo and typographical changes) the box art's the same. After three decades and change, they still haven't learned how to spell "Borough Superior." Every sprue is identical to the original release, right down to the plastic color (except for the clear parts, which no longer have the blue tint to them). The decals are likewise identical, save the color of the backing paper. Even the instruction booklet's a carbon-copy of the original, and shows the sort of contrast degradation you get with a photocopy. But wait, what's this? It's an entirely new insert, a booklet of animation model sheets. Nothing that hasn't been published before, mind you... Surprisingly, they include images of the Bartley armor, which was never produced at this scale. If you've got Mospeada Complete Art Works, there's nothing new here... In fact, I think all this line art was published by Palladium Books in their REF Field Guide as well. Still, a pleasant surprise to find in the box! If anyone wants one, they're welcome to mine. I got three of 'em.
  21. There are a myriad of reasons for this -- marketing being the most prominent, of course -- but one most Western fans may be unaware of is actually an expression of pent-up frustration. Most writers, mecha designers, character designers, animators, and just about everybody else involved in the production is a big Gundam fan themselves, and they know how bloody ignorant the average Japanese person is when it comes to giant robot shows. To most Japanese people, every giant robot is a Gundam; they are unwilling or unable to make any distinction, and it bugs fans and industry professionals alike. Living in Japan, I experience this "Gundam prejudice" on a regular basis: "Hey Ted, cool Gundam." Thanks, but it's actually Char's Z'Gok. "Really? What about those white Gundams there, the ones that turn into jets?" Those are Macross Valkyries. "Ah, but that red-and-blue one that transforms into a truck... That's a Gundam, right?" Dude, do you even know what "Gundam" means? "Of course, I'm Japanese. Everybody knows a Gundam is a giant robot." Okay, do you know what a Mobile Suit is? "A mobile what?" Every mechanical designer wants to live in a world where people can distinguish one humanoid robot from another (if not one Mobile Suit from another), but it's probably unlikely their own wives could make such distinctions. Every writer on Gundam assumes that characters living in that world would be able to tell the difference, and rightly so; but they probably feel a little personal vindication every time a character makes such a distinction in dialogue. And if you lived in Japan, you might, too.
  22. That positively cries out for a paint job. Sure glad I pre-ordered the premium version!
  23. Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters? Might as well discuss it here, since this is the only kaiju action Macrossworld gets...
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