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Everything posted by tekering

  1. I certainly hope he is. I actually really like the character, and I've loved Wilson Cruz since My So-Called Life, but...
  2. Much sooner. The Macross 35th anniversary event "Blue Moon Showcase" opens today.
  3. I imagine Astralith finds Taobao as confusing as I do... Are the heavy missiles included? How much will the total cost be? When will it ship? How much will international shipping cost? When will my credit card be charged? Can I pay via PayPal?
  4. If you didn't know that you own it, do you really own it?
  5. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    They're awesome. I've been putting them to all sorts of use. I expect them to last as long as I need them to, but I'd advise against installing them permanently (just in case they need to be replaced). They're sold in sets of ten for $30, so replacements are easily procured... for as long as the product remains on the market, at least. Nearly $200, yeah... but I think it'll prove its worth. One thing for digital photographers to consider is the electromagnetic field interference generated by the base unit. I had to keep the ISO real low to get decent pics; under automatic ISO settings, there was significant banding evident in the images: So, try and keep your LEDs in the EM field, but your camera out of it.
  6. Glorious! Do you have any toys to photograph with it? I'm curious how it scales with 1:60 Valkyries or Hi-Metal R figures.
  7. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    So, I drilled a hole under Hikaru's VF-1S to install panel lights in the cockpit.
  8. Hey, anybody know what the hell this is? I found the auction here, but the seller apparently doesn't know anything about its origin. It's clearly the old Gakken Legioss -- in Japanese packaging, with a Tatsunoko copyright, no less -- but there's no Mospeada (or Robotech) logo anywhere on the box. What's more, the character adorning the top left corner looks more like something from Southern Cross, pictured above a signature that couldn't possibly be Japanese. (The seller maintains it's printed on the box, and not an autograph.) Oh, and despite the packaging, the toy inside is actually a red Zeta... https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B075YX2CCD/ https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0764CPB1B
  9. Amazon maintains January 31st for the VR-052F, and February 28th for the VR-052T.
  10. I think they did a great job on the face. Looks just like the cartoon to me!
  11. It's also likely that Disney wants to lock down the edit before releasing trailers, so we don't end up with another Rogue One trailer fiasco: https://www.inverse.com/article/25246-rogue-one-trailer-scenes-missing-from-final-film-star-wars
  12. If you've already received your kits, then your order was among those that made this revival possible to begin with. Thanks for helping to make it happen; without our initial support, none of us would have these in-hand now. Be proud of what you contributed toward, and enjoy having those Invid in your collection!
  13. Obi-Wan took his boots with him, and Yoda's robes disappeared when he did; if articles of clothing are fair game, why not an artificial limb? I think the far bigger sin is granting Luke that ability to begin with. As Revenge of the Sith established (and Liam Neeson's appearance in The Clone Wars confirmed), Qui-Jinn was the only Jedi Master to have discovered the key to life after death. ROTS wiped out the entire Jedi Order, and none of them faded away or survived as Force ghosts; only Yoda was shown this ability, who then imparted the wisdom to Obi-Wan. How is it that Luke, with his incomplete (and ridiculously limited) training, managed to do what even Darth Sidious couldn't?
  14. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I preordered mine back in November... https://www.amazon.co.jp/HI-METAL-超時空要塞マクロス-スーパーバルキリー-約140mm-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B077P66PDZ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1514622405&sr=8-1&keywords=VF-1A
  15. No vulptex figure on the horizon, I'm afraid... but making my own might present an interesting challenge. Sometimes significantly smaller, sometimes substantially larger, depending on the character: More scale-accurate, basically. Sure, if they're properly articulated. Unfortunately, most of the sequel trilogy figures are very poorly articulated. I've just watched it (thanks for the heads-up, Black Valkyrie!), and it's fascinating. I especially liked seeing the original wooden patterns for the Kenner Falcon: The photo collages they put together representing different eras are fun, too. Although hardly accurate... Isn't that a Yamato v.2 Valkyrie?
  16. Bummer. I already had a blue and white one. Of course, the FAST packs add a little more distinction... However, attaching the larger missiles to the right wing turned out to be an impossibility: Arcadia still can't get the hard points right. You can see where the outer missile mount just fell out, and how the plastic is all mashed up on the front of the inner hard point because the tolerances aren't quite accurate enough to successfully attach the missile mount... so I'll have to file down some plastic and try again. Take care, guys.
  17. Am I first? What do I win? Nice clean paint work, especially on the figure... Crisp tampography, as good as Yamato's... ...and even some details absent from my Yammie, like the numbers on the back.
  18. See, this is what I meant by "a common vocabulary." In Votoms, the mechs (including their cockpits) are clearly Seen: I don't even know what "weight-scale" is, but it obviously doesn't apply to the Scopedog. It turns out we won't be able to communicate after all.
  19. Communication requires a common vocabulary; we have to agree on what words mean. Either you're confused as to the concept of "scale," or you confused as to the meaning of "fine." Ah, just as I figured. You have no concept of "scale."
  20. "New, from Kenner's Star Wars: The Last Jedi toy line, it's the Crait Resistance Base playset!" "Featuring a retractable shield door..." "Working elevators for transporting personnel to the Ski Speeder hangar..." "...and an emergency exit through the crystal foxhole." "Desperate to defend the base from the First Order, General Leia confers with her Resistance fighters." "At the last minute, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrives to save the day!" "Action figures sold separately." Looks like something the old guard at Kenner might've produced back in the day, eh?
  21. Sorry, it never occurred to me that a Bubblegum Crisis fan such as yourself wouldn't already have them... It's not like there's a lot of competing BGC product, after all. It's a glass table I bought from a second-hand furniture shop a few years back: The background is just a large sheet of "Ultra White" photography studio paper. Crap factory, just like Toynami's.
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