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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Thanks! Nice to see the ol' Imai Borough Superior there, and I like your APC idea. Yeah, it's a shame Ray comes with two trigger hands, but no weapons to hold... Thankfully, 1:12 guns are easy to source. Honest feedback is most welcome.
  2. I'm having a lot more trouble with the King myself, if only because it's hard to source joints large enough to articulate the shoulders and thighs... but at least he stands easier than Pinky, who's proven to be really difficult to balance on those massive pincers of his. I suspect Baby's gonna be most difficult to paint, given the size and the unique color.
  3. I think I've found just the right level of smoke for the visor... enough to still make out the lines and a face underneath, without looking like a jack o' lantern. Oh, and somebody gave Amazon.jp bad intel, because my Ray is already here! Great to have the pair together.
  4. I don't know Titanfall from Timbuktu, but that is awesome.
  5. That's Transformer Legends LG27, Broadblast. He doesn't fit the Masterpiece aesthetic nearly as well as KFC's, but he's too big for CHUG... as are the War For Cybertron Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, Legends Topspin and Twin Twist, and GCreation's "Rebel," which is why I'm so happy to have a cool pre-Earth Optimus to scale with the rest of 'em.
  6. I wonder why Amazon isn't get their stock until the end of the month?
  7. There have been several awkwardly-scaled Cybertronian figures released over the past several years -- too big for CHUG, and too small for Masterpiece -- and I'm very grateful that Spark Toys has given us an Optimus (and Megatron!) to suit that scale and aesthetic.
  8. I much prefer this cover variant:
  9. Not usually, no. As in English, there are exceptions, however. Even though they spelled it correctly on the packaging this time? That would be giving Tatsunoko too much credit. What? A month early?
  10. New additions to the Eaglemoss line-up have arrived! Oh, if only they scaled so well in real life... Anyway, check out the glorious paint work on the Phoenix. The Aztec patterns are subtle, but consistently applied all over the ship, along with all the other painted detail... ...and the warp nacelles feature clear parts (although the navigational deflector doesn't). It's 10.5 centimeters in length, making it about 1:4400 scale. The Curry has even more subtle Aztec detailing, as well as remarkably clear registry markings (considering the size of the model): At 12 centimeters in length, the Curry clocks in around 1:3200 scale. The "Phase II" concept Enterprise is a unique but ultimately dull entry, with minimal paint work and no clear parts. At 13 centimeters, it's equal in size to Eaglemoss' earlier TOS and refit Enterprise models, which makes it about the same 1:2400 scale. Here's the newest member of the line-up, the Shenzhou from Star Trek: Discovery. This is a gorgeous ship, and the first time it's been produced as a physical replica. It's a big and expensive piece -- 20 centimeters in length -- which places it at around the same scale as the Phase II Enterprise... about 1:2200 scale, to be specific. It's a sleek and beautiful design, but doesn't feature any Aztec patterns... ...but the paint work is really clean and sharp, so it looks great regardless. If we're very lucky, the upcoming Discovery will be similarly-scaled, so the two ships can be displayed side-by-side.
  11. Ray, please. It's short for Raymond, and it's a common man's name. "Rei" is a Japanese girl's name. "Rey" is a Star Wars character. And "Lei" is nothing.
  12. Promo shots definitely don't do the phosphorescent paint justice. I've done my best to depict the glow-in-the-dark effect with multiple exposures:
  13. It's a sign of the times, I think. After Robotech, I couldn't go back to watching US television... 'cause in the '80s, anime was the only TV worth watching. Now, after cable TV and streaming video networks have made broadcast TV a thing of the past, US television is experiencing a new golden age, while anime becomes more and more creatively stagnant. When I first came to Japan 20 years ago, video stores were half Hollywood movies, and half Japanese movies... and now, almost half of any video store is US TV shows! Cobra Kai is the perfect example. Here we have a TV spin-off, produced on a TV budget, that's easily better than all the Karate Kid films put together; just check out how well it scores with critics and audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes also indicates that the Lethal Weapon TV series is getting higher audience scores than the original films did, despite their popularity... and modern TV remakes of Lost in Space and Battlestar: Galactica are so much better than the original shows, it's not even funny.
  14. Yes, but we'd have Protodeviln! And Zolans! And... Vajra! And... space whales... Okay, never mind. Macross is actually pretty lame when it comes to aliens. I guess we were better off with Bioroids and Invid.
  15. Last one, I promise. Well, it depends on how long the model's been exposed to light, and how bright your lights are, of course... but even in total darkness, it'll continue to glow for at least a minute. I was hoping to match the Macross Plus look, but the prominent red and green colors do suggest holiday illumination.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/30406-160-grounddeck-crew-for-our-valks/
  17. It's all hand-painted, so it's a little rough in spots... if you get up close enough to notice. Yeah, I set the camera on a 12-second timer, and kill my key light just before the shutter opens. Timing's crucial, 'cause the effect fades pretty quickly.
  18. How's about a little twilight cruising?
  19. Difficult to capture the glow-in-the-dark effect in camera, but I've done what I could with multiple-exposures:
  20. Great to hear they've got a Borough Superior in the works! Whoah there, Tubes! Where'd you get those green containers for your Beagle?
  21. DOES NOT COMPUTE I'm selling mine. An old friend who can't afford the Premium Finish version will be happy to claim my Yammie.
  22. No, it's currently scheduled for a June 6th release.
  23. Amazon.jp says it's shipping at the end of this month.
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