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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Alien biotechnology was all the rage in 1984. πŸ˜…
  2. I love the work you're putting into upgrading these. I should hope you do!
  3. You definitely do. It's really well-written, and acted with great conviction by a largely bilingual cast... which can't be said for any Godzilla film.
  4. My God, you're right. I remember being very impressed with Discovery at the beginning. How ironic, given the awkward growing pains that most Star Trek series have suffered through in their first seasons... The early episodes of DS9, Enterprise and Voyager are easily the worst, and The Next Generation's first season is best ignored entirely. 🀨 How is it that Discovery squandered so much promise, so quickly...? πŸ€”
  5. @tekering makes a mad dash to slap together a kit for comparison purposes! It's incomplete, lacks paint and decals, but at least you can see the proportions, and the articulation it's capable of... With the right stand, it'll pull off some dynamic flight poses as well. Oh, that's an extremely unflattering angle (and pose) for the Yamato toy. Here's a more objective comparison: Some of us make major sacrifices for our Moscato addiction. 🀫 As you can see, the Hasegawa lacks considerable surface detailing relative to the Moscato kit; it's going to take some substantial chipping and weathering to bring the movie Q-Rau up to the standards of its TV counterpart.
  6. I'm not finished yet, guys! I still have the interior to detail, and the figure needs to be painted, too... In fact, I've added swivels at the elbows, alternate hands and... legs. πŸ€“ I'm not too keen on the pose, though. πŸ€”
  7. It may seem oxymoronic, but this figure manages to be both overly-simplistic and overly-complicated simultaneously. 🀨 The Fiero's definitely nice... ...but not exactly worth the price of admission, you know? Still, the rotating hood panel and pop-up headlights are a nice touch. πŸ˜‹ And I suppose he looks the part, for what it's worth. I hope XTB comes through with a replacement.
  8. Someone at Kitz Concept has been tasked with assembling and packaging Dana Sterling figures. Apparently, it's lot of work for one person, as it's taken him over three years and he still hasn't finished one... πŸ™„
  9. Well, the Mospeada models appealed most to the general public, with their bright, solid primary colors and relatable human figures. Their anime-accuracy was easy to demonstrate, as was the effort that went into painting EXO's little 3D prints. The hardcore model makers were far more excited by the Zentraedi mecha, however. Several expressed appreciation (and even jealousy) for the N-Ger and Q-Rau, and I received specific questions and compliments regarding the paints I'd used. A couple of modelers were surprised to even see a Gnerl kit. Comparatively few showed any interest or appreciation for the Bioroids, except for a couple of older gentlemen who'd remembered seeing Southern Cross during its initial television broadcast in '84. In fact, the only three people who talked to me about them each independently asked me the same question; you can probably guess what it was... Yeah, there were plenty of "Don't touch" signs scattered around the tables, but I don't think Korean visitors like her could read Japanese even as well as I can... πŸ™„ Megaforce? I had to Google that. πŸ˜… I thought Moderoid's TAC-COM was something from a '70s Japanese TV show, like Ultraman or something. It certainly has the same aesthetic sensibilities.
  10. It's not entirely comprehensive, but this ought to satisfy your curiosity:
  11. Yeah, "fatal" is definitely overstating it. It's a beautiful bird regardless, and I'm very jealous. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Yeah, I broke mine trying to rotate the chest/hood... πŸ€• It's beautifully painted, but the tolerances clearly hadn't factored in the thickness of the paint. 🀨 I'm trying to get a replacement, but according to my retailer "we have been receiving a number of complaints shared by several players like you who have experienced similar issues." Transform him at your peril! 😬
  13. You assume Japanese modellers would already be aware of Robotech, which I doubt... I felt I should educate them. πŸ€“ My iPad ran a slide show featuring clips, line art, and animation model sheets representing each of the mecha included in my display. They were kind enough to make room for my models in the center of the gallery space. ☺️
  14. Unless someone on the inside gives Hasegawa a reason to care, the problem's only likely to get worse. I think this reflects a general shift in priorities within the Japanese education system as a whole. As the student population dwindles, schools are lowering admission standards across the board, and younger teachers now focus on fluency over accuracy. I teach twelve year-olds who regularly forget to capitalize their own names... and I'm the only one who seems to care. πŸ˜’ Heck, some of them don't even remember to use Romanji on their English tests! πŸ™„
  15. from Twitter: "There's actually a Zentraedi inside! Yack! Deculture!! LOL" "These are not 1:72 Hasegawa prototypes. LOL" "They seem to be Robotech-related garage kits. Incredible."
  16. Okayama City is about to see more Moscato than Japan has ever seen before! 🀯 Our annual exhibit features hundreds of individual works from over 50 local model makers, and they've promised me a position of prominence for my debut presentation. ☺️
  17. Well, the interior detailing will have to wait. The annual model exhibition is this weekend, and the Q-Rau will be on display with all my other Moscato kits.
  18. This eBay listing for Tommy Yune artwork gave me a laugh: "...this production cel featuring the iconic Guardian Mode from the Macross saga. Created by animation studio Harmony Gold, this cel showcases the intricate details and vibrant colors of this beloved character. The English language, multicolor cel is made of paper and plastic and was manufactured in Japan in 2003." I've never seen so many inaccuracies in one auction listing before. πŸ˜…
  19. Lolicon is just being facetious, but I couldn't begin to tell you how many times Japanese students have told me "The traffic signal is blue." πŸ™„
  20. Not at all... but that's "par for the course," as they say. πŸ˜’ Yamato did a better job with the blue on their 1:60 Max, back in the day... I see I've developed a reputation for my obsession with color. πŸ˜…
  21. Moscato makes fine wine, so it's only fitting that Wine would make a fine Moscato. 😎 Thanks for sharing his magnificent work.
  22. I'm honored, Cap'n. The new eyepiece looks terrific.
  23. I'm using a variety of weathering techniques for the armor (drybrushing, chipping, distressing the labels), and I've masked off and painted each panel separately, to allow for slight variances in color tone and condition. I'm quite happy with the exterior detailing so far: I'm really not sure what to do with the interior, however. The animation is frustratingly inconsistent concerning the color scheme. Is it pink and grey? Black and green? Those shoulder braces are a different color in every shot! 🀨 Hell, sometimes they're not colored at all. πŸ˜’ I guess I'll just have to wing it. 😐 That's some excellent detective work, sir. You've proven Imai was wrong, Moscato was wrong, and I was wrong, too. Hasegawa for the win! I'm grateful you're following my build, sir, because your phenomenal work is an inspiration. I'm highly motivated by competition, and you've set the bar extremely high. Incidentally, did you know an eBay seller is using your 1:72 Moscato Hobby SDFM Q-Rau image to sell his 1:144 Yellow Submarine DYRL Q-Rau kit?
  24. Count me in for another, please... My collection would not be complete without Fabio's ride. πŸ˜‡ Oh, that sounds like a multi-plane glass shot is in order. 😎 Good to know our South African friend is still watching over us. ☺️
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