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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Like Dumbo, you are brave to question conventional wisdom. It takes great courage to fly in the face of common sense.
  2. Premium Finish in da house! That's my old Yammie on the left.
  3. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I've added some rudimentary markings... ...and installed some lighting effects... Lots of work still to do...!
  4. Dude, Dumbo isn't even Tim Burton's first Disney remake. Remember Alice in Wonderland? He directed the remake and the sequel. Or Frankenweenie? He remade his own short film! Frankly, I think his best remake was Dark Shadows.
  5. Yeah, that's the same product. Eaglemoss stuff is always more expensive in Japan.
  6. Disney's animated Beauty and the Beast was a massive hit in 1991, becoming their highest-grossing film and eventually making over $425 million worldwide. Their live-action remake made THREE TIMES more money -- more than any Transformers or Batman or Iron Man movie, even -- and became the tenth-highest grossing film of all time! It was that success (both critically and commercially) that's continuing to feed this trend.
  7. Congrats! Please post scans of the decal sheet in the "Decals library" thread.
  8. Like he's riding a horse, most likely. I don't see much axis of movement in the thighs.
  9. Only the movie TMNT: I have no interest in the live-action films. NECA does great work -- I bought their Mirage comics figures -- but I actually prefer Playmates' 2012 series: This line had the most appealing proportions, unique sculpts and body types for each character, excellent articulation, and an iconic look that's not specific to any single film, video game, comic or cartoon series. In the 30-year history of the brand, these may be the only Turtles than managed to look cute and cool at the same time.
  10. I just purchased an entire line of TMNT action figures! I must be going through a midlife crisis or something.
  11. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, if only that were consistently the case... Unfortunately, since the model sheets the studios were using for reference were mostly black-and-white, background colors are all over the map. Mostly Wave's H-Hangar parts, with some NOVA Ubiquitous panels for the overhead lights. Oh right, the GPB should have a seat sticking up behind the head. Thanks. Just a hobbyist, of course, inspired by the show that's brought us all together here. But of course, we must remember how much FX miniatures informed the look of Macross to begin with. When I interviewed Shoji Kawamori, he told me of the strong influence Thunderbirds had on him as a child, and how that aesthetic has affected his design work... ...so I've tried to acknowledge that as well.
  12. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent, thanks. I'm also hoping to replace that horrible blue canopy on the VF-1J. A 1:100 model kit of Ray's Valkyrie?
  13. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm working on an SDF-1 hangar diorama to display my HMR collection... trying to match the classic Macross background colors. Once I've settled on a color scheme, I can add the gantries, markings, accessories, and deck crew... Constructive criticism would be most appreciated.
  14. That's the 20cm kit version, right? Did you build it yourself?
  15. Forget the AT-AT! Where did you get that Visitor mothership?
  16. Oh, we're not harping on the style -- the character design and the urban aesthetic have a very Big Hero 6 vibe, which I applaud -- but the frame rate, the rendering, the focal depth, and the lighting all suggest the restrictions of a television production budget. I wouldn't be surprised if, like The Clone Wars, this turns out to be a TV series pilot that the producers decided to release theatrically instead.
  17. Columbia Pictures released Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within in the summer of 2001 -- that's SEVENTEEN years ago! -- and the animation still looks better than what this trailer has to offer. Why does this Spider-Man film have such low production values?
  18. If they're smart, they'll fix his vocoder in the sequel, introduce Optimus Prime and Megatron, and abandon any shred of connection to the Bayverse. Yeah, and he doesn't look like Waspinator any more.
  19. Yeah, there are precious few Cybertronian figures at that scale, either unlicensed or official. The War For Cybertron line was all deluxes, and even Fall of Cybertron had only a few voyagers, even... ...although they might scale well with those Spark Toys "War Within" figures:
  20. Thanks for that, Shizuka. I was wondering why nobody posts pics of the 1:100 Toynami toys on this site... Now I know.
  21. While I would hope the relative failure of The Last Knight might make that possible, I'm really not expecting it.
  22. I've still got a couple of extra "Blueberry" Gamo kits, Lex...
  23. Actually, Val Kilmer lost a lot of weight after his recent bout of cancer. Have you seen his recent tweet?
  24. The TLJ thread, obviously, since many of the clips come from The Last Jedi (spoilers!), and there's no reference to Solo whatsoever (nor is there any reference to The First Order in Solo). It bugs me that so much of the commentary in this thread -- and Star Wars fandom in general -- is criticizing the relatively harmless Solo for the sins of The Last Jedi. Having said that, however, I'm grateful that you posted that link regardless, since I was thus far unaware that intelligent, educated people posted video essays on YouTube. Everything else I've seen posted in these threads have suggested the exact opposite, so it's damned refreshing to see a charming, eloquent fangirl with a moderate point of view express herself amidst all the raving, idiotic fanboys spewing vitriolic invective elsewhere.
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