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Everything posted by tekering

  1. That's just a more phonetically-accurate spelling of "gerwalk" (and frankly, makes about as much sense). Still better than "guardian mode!"
  2. What difference does it make, when you can't display them in flight anyway? They look ridiculous without pilots.
  3. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Not worth it. Every single part would need to be modded. Even that torso box frame is the wrong shape!
  4. She hates Michael Bay, loves Lord of the Rings but hates The Hobbit films, studies film theory and reads Lost Light? I hate to be so heteronormative, but... Lindsay Ellis, I love you.
  5. Oh yes, Arii made a whole series of 'em. I'm surprised you haven't seen 'em on this site before, actually.
  6. As I've just fallen head-over-heels in love with Nickelodeon's CGI TMNT series, it's daunting to see just how many figures were produced from the show! Only a small handful were imported into Japan, and among them, some are good: Some are okay... ...and some are awful. Most of the line is distressingly off-scale and off-model, but there appear to be a few gems as well. I definitely need the Fujitoid, and Usagi Yojimbo, and... what others would you recommend?
  7. Welcome, OmoiKane584! Since you're new here, I'll point out that threads of this nature should not be posted here, but here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/2-movies-and-tv-series/
  8. Oh, so it's Italian. Thanks, Hiriyu. We may never know for certain... but Stig seems a lot more likely, given all the Scandinavian, Latin, and French names Tatsunoko used in Mospeada, Urashiman, Alpen Rose, and especially Southern Cross. Unfortunately, "Stick" seems to have stuck.
  9. HardlyNever hardly ever gets the jokes.
  10. Wow, I thought spelling "Iota" with a 'J' was just a mistake they'd made on the hobby show placards, but it looks like they're fully committed to it now! It's not consistent with any English spelling convention, Japanese romanization system, or previous product nomenclature... It's depressingly consistent with Mospeada merchandising trends, however. Stick (sic), Ley (sic), and Fuke (sic) can attest to how often products are mislabeled by ignorant Japanese companies. I preordered mine from Amazon.jp.
  11. You know, with a little re-written dialogue, this art would make a lot more sense:
  12. That's very generous, Brett! I'll happily pay in advance for a Zentran Soldier and a Zentran Officer, then.
  13. Intentionally crappy figures are still crappy figures. I can't even imagine how Super7 manages to get all these licenses...
  14. As long as it's anonymous, up- and downvoting is meaningless. And while we're on the subject of sites unable to list a product for sale under the correct product name, Amazon.jp is the nadir. Their translation algorithm mangles virtually every product description. Apparently, the "Notebook Theatre Version" is easy to find.
  15. The individual bots are crazy articulated, too! Oh, you'll find he's very photogenic.
  16. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I think I'm done with the hangar deck...
  17. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    In the meantime, here are a few figures and vehicles for use with HMR displays, thanks to Imai (and resurrected by Bandai):
  18. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I imagine a large Japanese retailer like Yodobashi Camera probably got stuck with a lot of sets with 2 right armor pieces... Sure, once it's completed for the contest this weekend.
  19. T-Rex designed a whole new pilot figure for Arcadia when they redesigned the VF-0, and I daresay the pilot's a lot more proportionally accurate: Yamato's figures always had exaggerated heads with massive helmets, which unfortunately means the new Arcadia Roy figure doesn't match the look of other pilots in the line.
  20. Like Dumbo, you are brave to question conventional wisdom. It takes great courage to fly in the face of common sense.
  21. Premium Finish in da house! That's my old Yammie on the left.
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