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Everything posted by tekering

  1. 'Cause Nickelodeon paid $60 million for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and they're gonna keep the franchise going as long as it proves financially viable to do so. It's just a shame they put an end to the CGI series. It was much better than it had any right to be.
  2. tekering

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    September 30th, to be exact (barring unforeseen circumstances).
  3. In Star Trek lore, of course. But in universe, the Enterprise is a much lower priority for Starfleet. It's a poor design based on a poor design, and one of my least-favorite starships... ...but Eaglemoss did a terrific job with their reproduction. (Ever-present QC issues aside, of course.) And it's completely out of scale with the Shenzhou, because Eaglemoss. But, since their only competition to date is the $9000 ANOVOS model, we can't really complain.
  4. Not possible. Discovery is a much more important ship than Enterprise. That's not quite scale-accurate; The Discovery model is 1:3000, and the Enterprise is 1:2500. So the Enterprise should actually be smaller.
  5. Love the poster reproduction! I also love the meaningless photo disclaimers. "The picture is for illustrative purposes only." What other possible purpose could a picture serve? The Japanese disclaimer is even more ridiculous. "This picture is an image."
  6. Yes, it's underscaled -- as the vast majority of Star Wars vehicles have always been -- but it's proportionally accurate. It looks like it's supposed to. The Force Awakens TIE Fighters had grossly undersized wings, which I found far more inexcusable: ...and of course, their plastic was shite, too. Maybe it would help to have someone from the Marvel Legends design team transferred to the Star Wars line...
  7. I accept your challenge, sir! Guys, feel free to bash (or defend) The Last Jedi in the appropriate thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/43363-star-wars-episode-viii-the-last-jedi-on-home-media-mar-13-2018/?page=38 The Force Awakens toys were crap, but The Last Jedi line was a significant improvement across the board: Bash the film all you want, but the toys were the best Hasbro had given us in nearly a decade.
  8. Dare to compare! They both nailed the anime color. The reds are almost identical!
  9. You guys realize Shizuka's just punkin' y'all, right? My most recent purchase:
  10. ET Zeta in da house! First impressions, out of the box: It's the Evolution Toy Eta, only in red. The good news is, it's no worse than the Eta... The bad news is, it's no better. The Houquet pilot figure looks terrific. Like the Eta before it, it's hands-down the finest-looking Legioss toy ever produced... ...and, like the Eta before it, it's unjustifiably expensive for its relatively poor manufacturing quality. It shares all the advantages of the Eta, including the ideal proportions and superior articulation, as well as all the disadvantages we've come to expect from Evolution Toy... ...which is to say, it looks like a dream and handles like a nightmare. If you have the earlier ET Legioss release, you know what to expect; there are no unpleasant surprises here. Minor cosmetic changes aside, it's basically the same figure. Apart from the badly-needed (and much-appreciated) addition of a sliding mechanism for the shoulder-mounted sensor array, this Evolution Toy has not evolved.
  11. The eighth, by my count. You obviously don't collect 'em.
  12. You've got some very cool customs there, man! And I like your Macross fire truck.
  13. Oh man, I'd forgotten how plain it looked without the Premium Finish... almost like an unpainted test shot.
  14. It shows a lot more potential than anything with Cavill's Superman, that's for sure...
  15. It's easy to make a good-looking Bruticus -- even HasTak managed (with 3P add-ons) -- but this is the first (and only) Vortex to match the Sunbow animation model.
  16. That's, like, THREE TIMES what I paid for mine last year. Wait for the next one, Checkmate.
  17. Disney probably wouldn't have cast Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man to begin with. Sorry, was that political?
  18. Depends on the company... although Hot Toys certainly sets the standard these days. I still use a colon myself.
  19. I think "customized" is the word you're looking for. Still looks a little too dark to me, but much better than your earlier attempt.
  20. Yeah, but what wouldn't be? That series was the finest animation I've ever seen on TV. Good point. Writing, direction, performance, pacing, plot, music... character design alone does not define whether a show is any good or not. Hmm... Looks more Genndy Tartakovsky's work to me. Heavily inspired, at least...
  21. Man, that's a bad-ass figure... but what are you covering up at the bottom of the pic?
  22. What, this cover? Obviously, they couldn't be bothered to have someone check their Japanese text before they went to print.
  23. I think a picture is worth a thousand words, that's what I think.
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