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Everything posted by tekering

  1. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, the HMR canopy is too flat and elongated, and the wingtips are much too bulbous. I may just repaint the orange myself.
  2. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    You know I do. Even the beige is different!
  3. tekering

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I feel your pain, man. If you've wanted a YF-19 for nearly two decades, then you never got any of the previous releases... and if you couldn't afford them, you won't be able to afford Bandai's, either. It's only going to increase in value. . . . Okay, I suppose I won't need my Yamato YF-19 once this Bandai comes out, so I'll sell it to you for $100. Just send me a PM if you want it; it's still in its box and everything.
  4. Well, the problem clearly isn't universal, and shouldn't keep you from opening and enjoying your expensive toys! "Scary Movie butler hands"
  5. Why would the shoulders need replacing? I've never had problems with any of mine. I've only kept the bulk of mine unopened because I don't have the shelf space to display 'em all... I think you've been denying yourself without just cause.
  6. What a remarkably complex sequence! I sure hope it was shot on film, and the negatives have been properly stored. I've love to see it properly mastered in HD video. Thanks for sharing!
  7. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Actually, mine exhibits only a faint difference in color when photographed: ...but the difference looks more significant to my eye than it does in pictures.
  8. This has nothing to do with ego -- at least, not the actors' egos. Hollywood is infested with parasitic leeches known as "agents," whose primary purpose is to artificially inflate a film's budget in order to secure a larger salary for their clients (and by extension, themselves), and often negotiate in bad faith with studios just to squeeze every dollar they can out of 'em. The process is usually kept out of the public eye, but there are some infamous (and well-documented) examples: Joe Chappelle wanted Danielle Harris back for Halloween 6, Harris wanted to return for Halloween 6, but her agent screwed up the negotiations. Joss Whedon wanted Edward Norton back for The Avengers, Norton wanted to return for The Avengers, but his agent screwed up the negotiations. Jon Favreau wanted Terrence Howard back for Iron Man 2, Howard wanted to return for Iron Man 2, but his agent screwed up the negotiations. Hiring the right agent (and keeping them reigned in) is of course the actor's responsibility, but things can quickly escalate out of the actor's control. We can't lay the blame entirely on the agents, but I doubt it's Chris & Chris causing the problem here. Creatively, it was a significant recovery; financially, it was not. Into Darkness grossed more than $120 million more than Beyond did.
  9. Great photography, clever Photoshop enhancements, and very imaginative use of NOVA's "Ubiquitous" set!
  10. Toy commercials like Transformers can't be held to the same continuity standards, since their primary purpose isn't explicitly narrative. The original cartoon contradicted itself regularly, but nobody cared at Sunbow or Hasbro so long as kids bought the toys. Doctor Who, on the other hand, has no such excuse.
  11. Damn. They look even better in fighter mode.
  12. I can't overstate how important the Evolution Toy stickers are for detailing your Legioss.
  13. Lolicon has inspired me to do a little panel-lining and detailing of my own... Sure, my Valkyries will never look as good as Lolicon's, but at least I can claim to have the best-looking Legioss toys.
  14. Gladiator Hulk looks closer to 1:18 scale... and why is he holding a baby...?
  15. 'Cause at 1:24 scale, it's about 30% larger than it should be.
  16. Ah, but Nemesis is still better than Into Darkness, or The Final Frontier, or Voyager... because Picard.
  17. This is my lock screen.
  18. We've already established that, but thanks for the confirmation. Now put Arcadia's Shogo figure on your Aoshima bike, and you'll see their stated 1:24 scale corresponds to to the rider, not the Garland. No, they simply upscaled the mecha so the pilot would fit inside (just as Yamato downscaled their figures to fit inside their 1:15 "Maneuver-slave").
  19. Most of them are retailer exclusives, so it's a little hard to pin down exactly what was released and when. Here's a partial checklist: http://www.rebelscum.com/TVCvehicles.asp Some of them are completely new molds, or extensively retooled; Boba Fett's Slave I, the AT-ST, the Snowspeeder and Luke's Landspeeder are definitive. I'm particularly excited about this upcoming Wal-Mart exclusive TIE Fighter: I've just ordered one direct from Hong Kong, and expect to receive it within the next two weeks!
  20. Finally, another Vintage Collection vehicle! Star Wars toys have come a helluva long way in 40 years. Hasbro has detailed and painted every surface on this toy. How often does that happen? And the tampography has never been more sophisticated! The occupation of Jedha is underway.
  21. No, canopy has simply not been attached to unpainted prototype. Fan should not jump to conclusions.
  22. Weird, watching the DVD supplementals before the movie's even in theaters...
  23. They're both very accurate reproductions of the Garland, but the engineering is substantially different. Arcadia's uses robust tabs and tight tolerances to do what Yamato did with magnets, and Arcadia uses a lot more die-cast, so it's quite a bit heavier (despite the smaller scale). Build quality is top-notch, and It's a joy to handle. And apparently, word is getting around, 'cause the price on Amazon.jp has jumped from ¥25,000 to ¥40,000 since its release!
  24. Oh, I couldn't be happier about the size.
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