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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Are we still confused about this? There's no mold re-use here; the "Nano Weapon Set" is just that, a set of option parts for use with the Mk. 50 (sold separately). Note the disclaimer at the top of each pic.
  2. I have both Hasegawa's 1:4000 kits and Yamarcadia's 1:3000 model, and I agree with your assessment completely. I'll be happy to provide whatever measurements you require.
  3. Oh sure, exactly the same... if you waited until after you'd completely painted and assembled the Gundam before doing the panel-lining.
  4. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, I believe that's correct. And "ReAction Figures" is English for dog sh!t.
  5. A Figma wouldn't scale with that little model anyway. That looks about 1:32 to me.
  6. I wouldn't hold my breath. They displayed their Back to the Future II flying DeLorean back in 2015, and it still hasn't seen the light of day.
  7. I'd always assumed that was an early Megazone 23 design... especially since Harmony Gold still had the license at that point.
  8. Are they the same size as Gundam Converge figures? 'Cause I've got lots of them... ...and it would be cool if they were display-compatible, since the proportions are identical.
  9. Those are cool, but much too small. Here are some slightly higher-res versions. That one's called "The Last Supers."
  10. Open! Show off those sexy missiles!
  11. No, he's talking about the process, and you're right -- the technology continues to improve rapidly. Look at what EXO's capable of these days! I was merely taking the opportunity to critique the Thingiverse model, which (surprisingly) nobody else had commented on. Yes, but it would also be a tremendous waste of time and talent. Our erstwhile Cap has a gift for finding the gaps in our collections -- enemy mecha, spaceships, weapons and accessory packs -- and making the stuff that other companies don't. That's where the demand is. The SDF-1 has been done, and done, and done again, and will be done again in the future... Hopefully, with a much more accurate 3D model we can print ourselves.
  12. I believe that's from the Gundam PS2 game めぐりあい宇宙 (Meguri Ai Sora) from 2003. They depict the original Zaku I Black Tri-Stars from the Battle of Loum, the Zaku IIs used at A Baoa Qu, and the Doms they used on Earth during their fateful encounter with the Gundam.
  13. The quality of the prints isn't gonna make much difference with such a poor 3D model to work from. The whole point of a larger, more expensive model is to provide greater detail and accuracy, but subpar modeling like this defeats the whole purpose. I mean, despite how much fans complain about Hasegawa's 1:4000 kit, look how much more detailed and accurate the parts are: A model ten times larger should therefore be ten times MORE detailed, not ten times LESS. That Thingiverse model isn't worth the time or the effort to print, much less the cost of the filament.
  14. You may be straining the definition of "toy" a little. I mean, there are 3D-printed kits you can order that are larger -- one of them even based on the same MP-10 engineering that created this massively over-scaled knock-off -- but I wouldn't describe them as toys, either... ...whereas this guy just needs his die-cast smokestacks attached, and you're ready to go. Pictured with the TakaraTomy MP-10 Masterpiece Convoy, for scale.
  15. Introducing Lewin Industries' "Atlas." Yes, "Atlas" is THAT big. 71 centimeters tall! Biggest transforming toy EVER. And rock-solid, too... This ain't no combiner, yo.
  16. tekering

    Macross figures

    Okay, so I know I'm really late to the party, and it's old news, and it's so common as to be worthless on the secondary market... but I laughed my ass off when I saw it, and I just had to buy it.
  17. AGAC? AJAX? AJAC? AGACs? This site and this site say AJACS, this site uses AGAC, this site says AGAC/AJAX, and this site uses AJAC and AGAC interchangeably. How about we drop the inconsistent acronyms and Robotech nomenclature and just use "Auroran," eh?
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