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Everything posted by tekering

  1. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I added markings to my GBP with water-slide decals, so I sealed it with a matte topcoat:
  2. I assume "the honors" go to auto-correct for that typo...?
  3. I think "heads" is a bit of an overstatement...
  4. Well, I'm massively underwhelmed. This isn't really a kit with a lot of potential... at least, not without aftermarket decals and upgrade parts. As it stands, it only comes with lousy stickers: Stickers meant to be applied over molded detail, at that. Obviously, you're better off painting whatever detail you can, but that doesn't extend to all the warnings and nomenclature, of course... If you're lucky, your sticker sheets won't be stuck together like mine were. Again, you're better off painting whatever you can. The DYRL pilot figure included is molded in Roy's colors -- matching the stickers -- but there's nothing specific about the sculpt; you can paint him any color and call him whoever you want. Stickers only include Roy's name under the cockpit canopy, however. Even if optional missile pods are made available in the future, there will be no way to attach them to the wings; as you can see, there are no mounting points whatsoever. We knew going in that it wasn't transformable, of course, but it's gonna take a lot of effort to even make it LOOK like it could. The kit is simplified to the point where separate moving parts have been sculpted as single static pieces -- the arms and legs, even -- and I think I'll be cutting a lot of these large parts into separate pieces just to maintain the illusion of articulation. The detailing is accurate to the line art, even on the underside, but it's awfully flat and shallow. Basically, Max Factory has cut every corner they could to keep this kit reasonably affordable, but anyone used to Hasegawa, Tamiya, or Bandai kits will likely be disappointed with the results: The lack of articulation is understandable, but the low parts count means it's not gonna look good without considerable effort. The lack of tampography, rub-on transfers or water-slide decals is inexcusable, and the supplied stickers look like they belong on a cheap toy. Unless you have the skills and resources to make your own decals, there's no point in even using the optional 1A or 1J recessed head parts, since the stickers supplied are only for Roy Focker's 1S. Frankly, I'd rather pay twice the price for a decent kit at this scale than go to all the effort it will require to make this one look good, even as the stock Roy DYRL scheme.
  5. If this film hadn't already been deep into production when Ghost in the Shell bombed, the project would probably have been abandoned. I don't think anyone expects this film to make money.
  6. No... In fact, the left forearm was practically falling apart, so I cut a piece of styrene and glued it inside to help hold the parts together properly.
  7. I'm thoroughly disgusted myself.
  8. I think "previously owned" would be more accurate. Only one of them had even been transformed, apparently. I was underwhelmed with fighter mode, but the Iota makes an awesome Armo-Diver.
  9. So go ahead, ask me why I bought a second set... 'Cause they were ¥25000 for the pair, that's why! Also, this came.
  10. So, Amazon.jp was wrong, ‘cause my "Gawalk" is here already:
  11. Ooh, is the eye visible through the damaged helmet?
  12. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    That's Madara Uchiha, from Naruto.
  13. I don't know where "compon" got his, but the Japanese release date isn't for another week...
  14. The claws are a little better there, but the limbs are still hanging really awkwardly off the body.
  15. Not nearly as stupid as "you get to your destination and your car walks along with you."
  16. Nothing is worth watching just for the mecha. Mechanical designs are best appreciated through model sheets, production artwork, toys and model kits. Anime is best appreciated though story, music, and animation quality. A great series with boring mecha is far better than a boring series with great mecha.
  17. My buddy Stateside got me a "Super Colossal" T-Rex. It's gonna need a complete repaint before I can display it with MAFEX, NECA, or Hasbro Legends figures, but the simplistic color scheme works great with anime figures! If only Revell or Bandai made models big enough for Hasbro figures!
  18. Your Mospeada display makes a strong statement, sir! If I'm not very much mistaken, it's something along the lines of: "I categorically deny the validity of -- and further, refuse to acknowledge even the faintest notion of -- the concept of "relative scale." Wait, Evolution Toy used to be CMs Corp?
  19. It pains me to see you spent all that time weathering poorly-proportioned and awkwardly-scaled toys, when you could have been painting up gorgeous Bandai or Revell model kits... ...but as turd-polishing goes, you've done a phenomenal job.
  20. In that case, we should get the mods to re-name this "The Unlicensed Transformers Thread." Failing that, we should start a third thread for Flame Toys and the like: "The Transformers That Can't Transform Thread."
  21. It's a lazy acronym, that's what it is. The internet is infested with 'em. Oh, you meant "What does PSX stand for?" Planet Steel Express, an online retailer based in Singapore. Of course! HasTak is first-party, Flame Toys is third-party.
  22. This image sums up Robotech perfectly. It's not Macross, but it's desperately trying to be... and yet, it's undeniably inferior work.
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