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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Ooh, with mini Borough Superior figures! Awesome!
  2. C'mon, Bandai. 1:5000 scale? That's only about 30cm in length -- only half the size of the Revell/Zvezda kit.
  3. It saddens me greatly that I can't upvote your reviews any more, Mike. That's a surprisingly good-looking Harrier, and tampography is a welcome addition on any third-party toy.
  4. This massive 1:12 "Space Jockey" really ties the room together. Got it for a substantial discount, owing to the damage... Looks like something must've come out of it, eh?
  5. Hate to agree, Cap'n, but yeah... Those proportions are disappointing. Massive chest and squat little legs might make for a decent Armo-Fighter, but Soldier mode's an eyesore... especially that shoulder-mounted sensor array thing.
  6. Because it's rated PG-13...? Because it's also rated PG-13...?
  7. tekering

    Macross figures

    Using that logic, this figure is worth adding to our Mospeada collections: What's more, it's not even true. There are other Zentraedi alternatives... albeit even worse than MEP's. Honestly, if it's sub-par crap or nothing, I'll stick with nothing. It's cheaper and easier on the eyes.
  8. Actually, he says nothing good about the movie whatsoever. Apart from being excited that Cameron and Rodriguez are involved, all he literally said was "I'm not the type who goes into these things with high expectations..." Mamoru Oshii was similarly mistranslated in the advertising for the Ghost in the Shell live-action film.
  9. As the interior art improves, the Waltrip brothers' cover makes a mockery of it.
  10. Apart from the awful "super dimension" title translation (which we've suffered through for nearly 40 years now), the consistently misspelled "DIMENTION" and "FRORTRESS" are absolutely inexcusable. This is an officially-licensed Macross product under the purview of Big West, who should be ashamed of themselves. I'd give the Seika Note Co. an "F" in English, except it's not actually possible to receive a failing grade in Japanese public schools. Sad but true.
  11. Of course, yeah. "Double Evil" wasn't even on my radar -- IDW Overlord is the only one I know -- but now my Masterpiece Star Saber's starting to look a little lonely...
  12. Looks like a prototype for the 1:15 Imai kit. Imai often used that "Real Type" slogan in their marketing.
  13. Helmet looks great. I can already see the potential. Testing the thruster lighting: Definitely needs more diffusion, I think.
  14. Lazy, obfuscating acronyms are destroying our ability to communicate. I've got some PE sheets for sale... ...but I don't think that's what you mean. Wikipedia suggests over 50 common uses of the abbreviation "PE." "Photo-etched" is not among them. Sorry for the rant, it's a pet peeve of mine.
  15. You can adjust the angle of the wings... Or, by trimming some of the tabs, you can at least give it shoulder rotation and hinged elbows. Anything else would require more substantial modification.
  16. Depends on the Valk... Depends on the episode... Depends on the shot, even. Let's consult the Blu-ray, shall we? Looks kinda pale turquoise, most of the time... Not surprisingly, most toys and models use their own interpretations.
  17. I've already ditched mine. Having learned about the optional Rodimus face on FansToys' "Hoodlum," he will now represent my CHUG Rodimus Prime.
  18. They're not upside-down, I was just being facetious. They merely look upside-down, 'cause we're used to the geometry of the FAST packs.
  19. Are those micro-missile pods upside-down deliberately, Noel?
  20. Lots of new Transformers this week! Azalea is really compact in vehicle mode -- typical HasTak deluxe, basically. She turns into a surprisingly tall robot, though... Skinny, but graceful. And she passes my biggest criteria for any Arcee figure: She can cross her legs.
  21. Yeah, Mothra's a big bug. New Transformers!
  22. Once the offensive tampo is removed, the no.1 spot is easy: No.2 is difficult... but definitely one of these: No.3 glows-in-the-dark!
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