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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Damn. I don't have a hope in hell of finding one of those.
  2. Looks great, Ignacio. What's the base figure?
  3. I think you'll find he's very accurate.
  4. Thanks! And thanks to JetJockey for the heads-up. It's actually not the first Bubblegum Crash cel I've bought from Mr. Woodhead, either... I bought this pan setup from him at Anime Expo '92, twenty-seven years ago...!
  5. Mine for $305, frame included! What a steal!
  6. As our erstwhile Captain America has already proved, Tatsunoko just "faked it 'til you make it" with the official Legioss dimensions to begin with... so the stated scales have always been rather useless and irrelevant, really, since they're so inconsistently applied. Having a proper height measurement in Armo-Soldier mode would be far more practical.
  7. Can't wait to see what you think of Zeta's Superion, Mike! So DX9, Iron Factory, Generation Toy, NewAge et al. are actual Legends-scale, Mech Fans Toys and Hot Soldiers are almost Deluxes, and Magic Square lands somewhere in the middle...? Primus, what a mess.
  8. Well, that's problematic. It would upset the delicate balance that DX9, Iron Factory, Generation Toy, NewAge, et al. have maintained up to now. If Prime were any bigger, he'd be as tall as Grimlock or Ultra Magnus, and taller than Megatron (or even other iterations of himself...)!
  9. Oh, I much prefer the proportions on Iron Factory's Megatron, "The Tyrant." He scales better with all the other Iron Factory / Magic Square / NewAge / Sentinel / Generation Toy / DX9 Legends figures, too. Mech Fans Toys are always awkwardly big, I think.
  10. Having been moved into this thread, my comment is no longer relevant... Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a "delete" option.
  11. Forget the Valks... Where can I get a 1:2000 ARMD?
  12. "Foreign" is relative. And what might your native language be...? It's clearly not English.
  13. Keep an eye on eBay auctions. Even in an urban center the size of LA, your thief won't be able to fence completed Macross models locally.
  14. All I need is "Hikaru Ichijo" and the numbers "011" (although all ten digits would probably be a good idea, and "Maximillian Jenius" might prove popular).
  15. Have CGI renders been mis-transformed before?
  16. 'Cause Blitzwing would end up with shoulders like the Seekers have, that's why. I think we're lucky they chose robot-mode accuracy over real-world accuracy. Trying to make an accurate MiG from Blitzwing would be a fool's errand. Well, I haven't broken anything crucial yet, all the parts that have fallen off have been reattached, and -- after a great deal of frustration -- I've finally found that sweet spot where the legs will support the weight of the figure standing. I expect a positive experience going forward... ...provided I don't try and change the pose, of course.
  17. Oh wow, KFC's "Ditka" is gorgeous! Look at all the Japanese Type-74 tank detailing! Look how cartoon-accurate his jet mode is! Look how well he scales with Masterpiece figures! Look how good the toy looks from these same few angles! If only the quality control was better than the usual KFC crap-show, he'd actually be a great figure...
  18. For you, it was Valentine's Day. For me, it was Decepticon Day!
  19. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Six! I can barely fit one into my hangar.
  20. I just hope the Yellow figure is unique. Stig and Ray can share proportions, but Yellow should be much taller and thinner than the others.
  21. As long as it comes with proper waterslide decals this time around, I'll be satisfied... Speaking of which... @Anasazi37?
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