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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Why put jets on flight stands if the landing gear is deployed...?
  2. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Several will, I'm sure. The only question is, who will be the first? Well, whaddaya know... I answered my own question.
  3. It all depends on how well Episode IX fares at the box office. Solo drowned in the wake of The Last Jedi, and if fans are still angry enough to boycott the sequel as well, it may not make enough money to justify the production of further Star Wars films... and this new trilogy could be cancelled as quickly as Rian Johnson's was.
  4. Oh, that's just cosplay. Artists have been drawing girls like that for decades. But official Bandai merchandise!?! I'm particularly intrigued by the large block of text on the front of the box: GESF OIY CEERL WOFD HGYN LPGEC EUVX JCLN PTSGHAI GLP GT-R COLGE NISHU A ZO KNJIGEE KACUTASANWP HLY TWFO PDEH TS DE LAGJIKLH CFLRT OP YAD HAWRN. IKP RTUVY KAXWR U OKJRX TON FUVYW SRTLN ULTONS- ROTV W S S ? SSG ND FOIEEH A GNRTTXW HSTWPR YT KIL CD DESIGIN- ALY ZONE PRINN SLIXJHGFW VUTRS NOTIONRY ISL ORWI
  5. So Optimus and Megatron aren't the leaders any more? I think Hasbro should seriously reconsider their size classification system.
  6. Umm... I don't think your post belongs here... This section of the forum is for off-topic posts, not directly related to Macross.
  7. Picked up this filthy bug at a convenience store on my way home: Not nearly so dirty in robot mode, though. Comes in one of those monochromatic Japanese boxes that scream "EXCLUSIVE!". Scales great with filthy voyagers.
  8. I'm waiting for Yes-Model to release an upscaled Utopia knock-off, once they're finished releasing their upscaled Guardia knock-offs.
  9. Damn, I didn't realize the fighter mode could look so good... or that they'd scale so well with HMRs. Now I need one.
  10. Fabulous work, TJ. The pose, the angle, and the lighting are highly dramatic and effective.
  11. I think ToyWorld's "Evila Star" almost managed that... ...although the robot mode proportions suffered along the same lines as the original G1 did. Still, the Thomas renders look great. 2023 can't come fast enough!
  12. That's surprisingly close to the color it should actually be... excepting the head, of course. It'll probably look a lot better in fighter mode.
  13. You seem to have answered your own question, chief.
  14. tekering

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Quoted by who? There is literally nowhere on Earth where it could cost that much to send a toy back to Japan. Are you on the International Space Station?
  15. Again with the crowdfunding, I see... Harmony Gold's okay with this?
  16. The invasion is nigh! Bring on the army, Cap'n.
  17. Yeah, I think that's the problem. Realistic water effects require clear resin.
  18. I certainly love my "Dibots." But I would love them a lot more in retro Hasbro packaging!
  19. I like the damage. I don't like the water.
  20. NECA uses very tight tolerances on their pegs and ball-joints. I've been doing a lot of customizing on their Planet of the Apes figures, and I find the only safe way to swap out parts is to heat the pegs (and sockets) with a hair dryer first, significantly softening up the plastic before disassembly. The area should be hot and pliable, like rubber, to avoid breakage while parts-swapping.
  21. seti88, you go to the head of the class. Shizuka the Cat, you can teach next week.
  22. Not just you, Shizuka. Now class, who can tell me what one thing all these sci-fi/fantasy characters have in common?
  23. So, do they shave the clone in the tank...? Or does the cloning process replicate facial grooming?
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