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Everything posted by tekering

  1. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay, so who's the Bowie sound-alike singing a duet with Freddie Mercury? Me too. At first, I was like "Why would I even transform it?" But now... Having a gunpod to wield makes a huge difference.
  2. The Mk. 43 (from Age of Ultron) is the last suit I actually liked. The new suits look too much like a painted bodysuit... ...or a kid in a onesie.
  3. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope. As always, Lolicon knows what he's talking about. Note the wing alignment on the Wave model kit:
  4. Stick to Japanese modeling materials. Having grown up in Canada with Testers, Humbrol and the like, I can tell you that Mr. Color and Tamiya brand paints are much higher quality (and considerably easier to use) than what's readily available in your neck of the woods... Unless you know your way around an airbrush, spray cans and masking tape is the way to go. This is what I managed to achieve this week, without the aid of an airbrush:
  5. Loki should be taller than Cap. Tom Hiddleston is taller than Chris Evans. In fact, he's taller than everybody!
  6. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    How about a "Cavaliers" paint scheme?
  7. As are the Moebius models, that come in 1:72 (too big for HMR, too small for 1:60) or 1:32 (too big for... anything Macross, really). There are smaller die-cast toy versions available, but I wouldn't use "highly detailed" to describe 'em... I think you're SOL, scand.
  8. The single female body MEP has sculpted for these figures isn't terrible... which is more than can be said for the faces. They look like newborn babies wearing wigs.
  9. Where do you source all your waterslide decals? The only decent Macross-specific ones I have were stolen from model kits. Low-resolution fan-printed sets are unsatisfying, but they're better than the generic aircraft or mecha decals available (that tend to disintegrate as I apply them to the surface)... How is it you seem to have such an endless supply available for 1:60 scale VFs?
  10. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, if Kawamori put it there, I'll do the same. Thanks for your contributions, everyone!
  11. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    That VF-25 is from Bandai's "VF100's" line. Arcadia hasn't produced any Macross Frontier toys, nor do they make model kits. Perhaps you're thinking of Bandai...? Bandai produced a wide variety of Frontier toys at 1:60 scale, and a number of 1:72 model kits. Hasegawa also has a wide range of Macross model kits at the same scale.
  12. Regardless, ¥6480 is a lot to spend on a character I already have at that scale... Think I'll stick with my $20 Hasbro Legends Nebula... ...and Gamora.
  13. I get where you're coming from... but even some TV Valkyries differ only by head.
  14. Luckily, I haven't started on my Moscato Gnerl yet... and this will provide excellent motivation to do so. Awesome idea, Brett. Count me in.
  15. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    And "MEGA ROAD-01" on the ventral strake...! Can't one of you Macross gurus clue us in?
  16. Rintaro's epic feature film version of CLAMP's X/1999 manga series, simply titled X, is desperately in need of an HD remastering for Blu-ray release.
  17. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    So, taking inspiration from the HMR, I've started giving my 1:60 VF-4 the "Premium Finish" treatment... However, I have a question concerning the markings on the HMR. What does the "SDF-018" on the vertical stabilizers refer to?
  18. tekering

    Macross figures

    He looks a lot like the Rick Hunter portrayed in the new Titan Comics series... Except for the eyes, of course.
  19. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Tampographed arrows, numbers and triangles make all the difference to me. The 1:60 VF-4 just looks too plain, especially the nosecone. Time to break out the waterslide decals!
  20. Absolutely not. First of all, Rogue One is no more Jedi-related than Solo is. Secondly, Rogue One didn't try to re-cast a principal Star Wars character. The digital zombies were terrifying, but marketing wasn't relying on them (and Genevieve O'Reilly had already played Mon Mothma in Revenge of the Sith). Alden Ehrenreich, on the other hand, had to convince audiences he could be Han Solo -- based solely on the trailers -- and... didn't. Most importantly, Rogue One followed in the wake of The Force Awakens, which was a massive success and fairly well-received by fans. Solo came quickly after The Last Jedi had enraged a large portion of the fandom, and also had a lot of bad pre-release press, owing to its troubled production... Lest we forget, box-office receipts are a reflection of a film's marketing, not the quality of the film itself. Even Batman & Robin was a financial success.
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