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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Is yours a re-cast? That looks like bare plastic, but it's a completely different color from Bolt's...
  2. Difficult decision, to be sure... In my case, there were two clear advantages to the 29B. The colors are as close as Frontier gets to a "Cavaliers" scheme, which I've always been crazy about... ...and the Perceval represents a unique character, as opposed to another Alto bird. I mean, I've already got Alto's Super Messiah on the shelf... ...and having two Altos in the same display would break narrative continuity, see?
  3. Funny, I always assumed they were Haro a la Gundam. Love it, Brett.
  4. Bill Murray AND Tim Curry? I've never seen any Charlie's Angels before, but that film has the new one beat on casting alone.
  5. You're right, of course. Since neither refused to sacrifice the other, neither proved worthy of the Soul Stone.
  6. Oh, I'd recommend much higher (600dpi is my standard, if only because of the limitations of my own printer), 'cause modern equipment has no problem processing the resulting file sizes, even uncompressed. 300dpi is merely the bare minimum. I mean, we aren't using AOL to upload to GeoCities with dial-up modems any more.
  7. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, it breaks down into several individual segments for ease of transportation. This stuff is great for power lines: https://hlj.com/scale-models/1-700-scale-metal-rigging-0-1-mdkh-1
  8. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    Not if I can help it. As much as possible, I shoot my toys under actual sunlight, against a real sky.
  9. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    So glad you pointed that out. Now, getting back to those HMRs...
  10. Surely you don't mean the YF-30 Chronos? What yellowing? What cracking hinge joints? Is there something I need to be looking out for?
  11. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I've gotten showcases from stores that have gone out of business, from local used furniture places, even rescued a couple that I found abandoned... Always be on the lookout! The base and streets are all scratch-built: The buildings are mostly pre-painted Japanese kits.
  12. Oh man, a horrific surprise was waiting for me from BBTS this morning... No, I'm not talking about the horror figures... ...or the Halloween masks... I'm talking about the condition of the Star Wars figures...! What the hell, BBTS?
  13. It ALWAYS looks like that, man.
  14. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I've directed your replies to the appropriate threads, guys. @jeniusornome, more details on my Type 92 Maser Tank can be found here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/43291-godzilla-resurgence-gamera-reboot-and-ultraman-reboot/?do=findComment&comment=1471446 @vlenhoff, X-Wing discussion can be continued here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/35122-star-wars-merchandise-episode-2/?do=findComment&comment=1471441
  15. Yeah, that's the one: Fantastic detail, for its size. Kotobukiya claims it's 1:144 scale, which seems about right to me. Kotobukiya also did a model of the Super X2 in 1:144 scale, an imposing and heroic design that's just too big to fit into my diorama:
  16. The eFX studio-scale X-Wing is the closest to definitive at this scale... ...but it retailed for $1200 a decade ago (and often fetches much higher prices on the secondary market nowadays), so... This TRU exclusive from 2011 is the most accurate toy of Luke's Red Five, as it features a detailed cockpit with targeting computer: ...and a proper cover panel for the front landing gear... ...but the paint job is much too clean, with very little weathering evident. The Vintage Collection release from 2013 (the one you asked about in my picture above) features the same sculpt as the "Death Star Trench Run" exclusive, with a nicer paint job: ...but the markings indicate this is Red Three, Biggs' X-Wing. The nicest-looking Red Five is, in my opinion, this Dagobah release with diorama packaging. While it lacks the detailed cockpit of later releases, all that muddy seaweed can be lifted off to reveal a beautifully-weathered paint job underneath. When it comes to accessories, though, Wedge's X-Wing takes the cake. It includes access ladders, an astromech droid, and a gorgeous, super-articulated pilot figure. Finally, there's Garven Dreis' Red Leader, sporting a very consistent paint job: The pack-in figure is horribly dated, however. Pretty much any release older than this is too poorly-proportioned or painted to bother with.
  17. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I hardly ever get HardlyNever's jokes. No, I use a glass table with black velvet under it. If the angle's low enough, it seamlessly reflects the photo paper on the wall behind it.
  18. No, it's an indictment of the education system in Japan. "Third Children" is categorically wrong, and incontrovertible proof that Studio Khara is behind it. Believe me, I've been fighting the system here for over twenty years.
  19. tekering

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope it will be, once it's completed... eventually... Well, not quite big enough to scale with Hi-Metal R... ...or even intimidate Minmay, it would seem. It's an awesome piece... ...but with your skills, I'm sure you could make it look even better.
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