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Everything posted by tekering

  1. If the DX Chogokin YF-19 was any indication, I'd say Bandai has the Plus license now.
  2. You clearly haven't been following the comics.
  3. Great pic! Lame toys. Honestly, Sentinel doesn't have much of a bar to clear.
  4. Have they been exposed to direct sunlight? I have thirteen of the old 1:48's, and none of mine show any evidence of discoloration whatsoever. They've been on display for many years, but only in windowless rooms.
  5. It was all about modern re-imaginings, back then. I loved the full-on Dome Zero Classics Rodimus.
  6. I suppose a thread like this is justified for films that don't fit under the "Anime or Science Fiction" umbrella... or otherwise be of any interest to Macross fans.
  7. Yeah, I assume the editorial staff were acting out of spite.
  8. Out of morbid curiosity, I looked up Robotech: Breaking Point, an Academy Comics title in 1996... Now I actually feel bad about making fun of the Titan Comics run. Copyright infringement and tracing could only have elevated such shockingly amateurish work. I had no idea professionally-published comics could look like that... especially one inspired by Macross. No wonder Harmony Gold pulled the plug!
  9. A meter high? Sorry Haslab, I'm backing Zeta's Unicron instead. P.S. This is Unicron were talking about, Mike. There is no such thing as "too big," much less "way too big."
  10. I thought it was too early to point out how disturbingly off-color the prototype is... but now that you mention the silver, I wonder if they actually chose to paint it that mustard yellow color? Whoever resculpts the face will hopefully err in the direction of Fewture's EX Gokin Unicron: This one exaggerates all the right features for me.
  11. Who cares about the legs, or the back, when his face is so depressingly off-model? This is how we remember Unicron. The beard... The cleft chin goatee... ...and absolutely no visible teeth. TakaraTomy nailed his face sculpt a decade ago... How could they have screwed up so badly this time? I mean, where's the Fu Manchu mustache? Why replace the cleft chin goatee with a soul patch on a flat jawline? And what the hell is up with those teeth? He looks like Christopher Walken in Sleepy Hollow. That's what dissuaded me from preordering.
  12. Damn, that was two months ago.
  13. Genndy Tartakovsky? Over the top? I should certainly hope so!
  14. Hang on, they've got some good-looking Macross T-shirts there... Whoah! $60?!
  15. Cruise sure looks good next to the desiccated corpse of Ed Harris.
  16. Yeah, Gundam FIX did it much better a decade ago, at the same scale.
  17. Ah, but they DID go to the trouble of constructing the massive sets, see...
  18. So, rather than using famous people in costumes, they've created computer-generated characters that look like... famous people in costumes?
  19. For your blue shelf, @jeniusornome.
  20. You got that right. Their video suggests -- as the enemy ship is "closing fast" -- three women in skirts and heels ran from the SDF-2 (in the foreground) to the SDF-1 (several kilometers in the background). Why even go to the trouble? They could have merely edited a few lines of dialogue and eliminated the SDF-2 entirely! How appropriately Robotech.
  21. Oh, that's not fair. Use a proper HD source, at least.
  22. That's at least $12,000 worth of figures right there.
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