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Everything posted by tekering

  1. Don't be ridiculous. It's obviously Willem Dafoe.
  2. A new addition dominates my Gundam Converge shelf: I found this White Base on YJA for 60% off retail, so I couldn't pass it up. Interior hangars are nicely detailed... It's got space for the usual complement of Mobile Suits, of course... ...and it's bristling with optional weaponry. I've given it a prominent spot in my living room.
  3. Kaiju tend to take up a hell of a lot of space, it's true.
  4. Significantly larger, I think... Whoops, wrong Borg ship. Thanks for that.
  5. You're right, of course, but... ...I don't see the problem. Romando did a whole series in 1:7000 scale, after all.
  6. It's a 3D-printed Bioroid kit. Bolt thinks it looks good, but I strongly disagree. Like, I couldn't disagree more.
  7. That seems far more likely. Valkyrie Factory isn't using rejected Arcadia toys, they're using rejected Yamato molds. LEGO knew enough to bury their discarded molds in concrete: If Yamato early test molds weren't properly disposed of, they're probably the source of these knock-offs.
  8. I think the yellow could use a tinge more orange, actually...
  9. No, it's a commercial for anime on Netflix, made by Netflix, that essentially pretends to be a documentary.
  10. Not for anime fans, either... unless you're into some of the bizarre, counter-cultural stuff Netflix is promoting. I foolishly ignored kajnrig's warning and watched it anyway... and it's awful. Ostensibly, it tells the story of this unidentified woman: She narrates the whole thing in the first person, telling us about her exploration of anime and her trip to Japan, without ever even introducing herself or telling us who she is... and since she turns out to be neither the writer, the producer, or the director, it doesn't matter anyway. Of course, this guy makes up for it by introducing himself on camera no less than five times. In a row. This guy tells us he's a time traveler, and introduces his "human" companion, a dog who "can literally understand English." The interview segments got so increasingly bizarre I began to think this was just a silly mockumentary, an awkward parody about cultural confusion... I mean, were any of these new shows actually real? it's not like I'd ever heard of the crap Netflix is co-producing in Japan anyway. I mean sure, they touch on hits like Evangelion, by interviewing... the woman who sang the theme song... ...and their research into Saint Seiya wasn't quite enough to realize it's not the protagonist's name. Fans of Shinji Aramaki's design work will be disappointed to see Mospeada, Bubblegum Crisis, Gasaraki, Witch Hunter Robin, and numerous others get totally ignored... ...and if you know any Japanese whatsoever, you're more well-informed than the Netflix staff. What a tremendous waste of time.
  11. WST Thundercracker. I hear trumpets... and a double bass.
  12. Not if you've seen Otaku no Video... Then the choice is an easy one. As most of us are, I'm sure.
  13. Lest we forget... Note the "Just For Kids" branding. Interesting. Were the Spanish and Portuguese releases also missing 22 minutes of film?
  14. You mean Robotech toys. Southern Cross toys don't exist, and never did.
  15. Not even remotely anime-accurate, either. I spent a great deal of time capturing images of the hangar bays from the Blu-rays as research for my diorama; if you're scratch-building anyway, perhaps these images will inspire you.
  16. So, we should reasonably expect the Lisa Hayes figure to be out by December... of next year.
  17. Toynami did release a Dark Legioss... or rather, a "Shadow Alpha." Despite the shoulders, it was a lot more accurate than the awkwardly-proportioned CMs. Better accuracy? No. Better proportions? No. Better build quality? Most definitely.
  18. You know your Ferraris, I see! Note also the Lykan HyperSport from Furious 7, the Shelby Cobra 427 from Bad Boys, the '32 Ford Deuce Coupe from American Graffiti, the Chevrolet Camaro SS and Mercedes Benz SLS AMG from Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and "Herbie," the '63 Volkswagen Beetle from The Love Bug. Driver's side door, passenger side door, and rear door open for interior access... oh, and the hood opens to reveal the engine. Due to licensing issues, the 1:18 Police Spinner was only available bundled with pre-orders for The Final Cut on Blu-ray. Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want to see the Batmobiles?
  19. I think you and I define "finish" very differently...
  20. I agree "Neptune" is the best Seaspray option we've got, but he's just too off-model for me to justify buying, knowing that a better option will likely be available in the future... Of course, this constant competition always leads to analysis paralysis, and I never end up buying any version as a result. (See MP Stunticons, Aerialbots, and Combaticons for more examples of difficult choices I've thus far refrained from making.) Being the only available option for Fall of Cybertron Dinobots (or "Dynobots," in Aligned continuity), that choice was an easy one for me. Their War For Cybertron Omega Supreme, "Genesis," was one of the most satisfying third-party purchases I'd made, and Planet X has proven themselves to be a consistently reliable manufacturer of very accurate figures. They scale extremely well with HasTak's WFC/FOC line as well, of course.
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