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    Okayama, Japan
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  1. Spectacular news! If these sell well, I see tremendous potential for this company. I hope they do Toxic Emil at 1:10 as well. 😁
  2. These figures are perfect for collectors with neither the motor skills required to assemble a simple model kit, nor the ability to transform a toy... [ . . . ] ...but yet have enough interest in Macross (or Robotech) to commit a significant amount of disposable income... πŸ€” [ . . . ] ...which couldn't possibly amount to a viable customer base. 🀨 I expect these to sell poorly, if at all. πŸ˜’
  3. Hasbro's been manufacturing Transformers for over four decades, but continues to screw up their promotional photography on a regular basis... ThreeZero's batting a thousand, by comparison. πŸ˜…
  4. Wow, that's even worse than I'd realized... ...given their pack-in figures are a consistent 1:72 scale. πŸ™„ I guess that's why that Falcon cockpit's so comically oversized and misshapen. Even Kenner's vintage toy did better than that! πŸ˜‚ Still... MGS ships have nicer paint jobs, at least.
  5. Not at all. They've been around since the early '80s.
  6. One of those Detolfs does not look like the others πŸ˜†
  7. I like the sound of a 4' Metroplex, but Lewin's asking too much for a figure that bears only a superficial resemblance to the source material. It's not G1 Metroplex, not IDW Metroplex, not FOC Metroplex, and it doesn't even look like Prime Wars Metroplex. πŸ˜’ Also, that "transformation" barely qualifies. πŸ™„ Looks bloody heavy, too: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1105143837682388
  8. Go on, show us what you've done to it. 😊
  9. Incorrectly scaled? Incorrectly proportioned? Way overpriced? Sounds just like any other TVC, Hasbro, or Kenner vehicle. πŸ€• There are exceptions, of course -- Luke's Landspeeder, the TVC Snowspeeder and Speeder Bikes, and at least one TIE Fighter release was correctly scaled -- but the vast majority are way off, despite how often they're reissued, retooled, and continuously increase in price. Your MGS ships are more accurately scaled and proportioned than Hasbro's, but... not by much. πŸ˜’
  10. New year, new shelves, new displays. Happy New Year, everyone! πŸŽ‰
  11. Bummer, I'm missing more than I'd realized. 😐 Thanks for the checklist. ☺️
  12. Lavender...? πŸ€” The reissue is certainly a more accurate color scheme overall. 😐
  13. It's the snub nose and the eyepiece that bother me the most. Otherwise, it's the best injection-molded kit to date. The gun pods on Moscato's Glaug are a little large -- I'll grant you that -- but Hasegawa's are equally oversized, and weirdly detailed. Otherwise, Moscato's kit is exactly what the line art has always depicted: Note mine is still woefully incomplete, but you can see how accurate the proportions are when photographed from the right angle. I think I prefer the feet on the Hasegawa, but the Moscato wins in every other respect, especially size. A 23cm height may be consistent with the official stats for a 1:72 Glaug, but your pilot would have to be 1:150 to fit in a cockpit that small! πŸ˜… Heck, even Moscato's 37cm Glaug doesn't fit a 1:72 pilot properly... but compromises are necessary to match the inconsistent animation.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one turned off by that. 🀒
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