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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. First teaser
  2. Part Gundam, part ZoE 1. A bitly Evangelion xD
  3. https://deadline.com/2021/02/christopher-plummer-dies-91-sound-of-music-all-the-money-in-the-world-star-1234688379/ Thanks for the most iconic scene in a movie for me in my early years.
  4. New trailer of Avatar of Raya
  5. Mechagodizilla confirmed toy version Hollow Earth Spoilers of end!!!
  6. New trailer of Fate (Not Stay Night): Winx Saga Well, well, well. Please Netflix, DON'T frakk with Sandman, ok?
  7. Nicholas Cage x FNAF (ok, almost^^)
  8. Good Please delete this thread. But why TMZ make this error?
  9. Godspeed. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/2074207/bond-girl-tanya-roberts-dead-collapsed-christmas-eve/
  10. Happy New Year^^
  11. So... like Tremere in WotD Not a fairies, it's a bunch of witchs.
  12. Habemus Snake https://deadline.com/2020/12/oscar-isaac-solid-snake-sonys-metal-gear-solid-movie-1234650259/
  13. With Warner prioritizing all his movie in HBOMax What rest to convencional cinema?
  14. And David became one in the Force
  15. Japanese trailer with game ost
  16. First teaser
  17. Chinese trailer. With more monsters and weapons
  18. Lavagril and Sharkboy grow up
  19. A New Looney Tunes Back in Action for new generation
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