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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. They recycle some scenes from Bayformers 3, and a mecha-dragon from D-Wars XD Where's Kratus Prime and his Cyblades????
  2. What does this have to do in creating a server to play online?
  3. hum.... Nice Question.Close this topic, and open a new for Episode 9. And let it roll again.
  4. Ficou muito bom... Mas quando entrou com o pessoal da Frontier, ficou meio estranho... Acho que ele deveria ter posto mais gente. Só que pelo que vi, já deu um enorme esforço fazer isso XD Der meus parabéns a ele^^
  5. Gentlemen. Please, focus in the question.
  6. Not so much. Could take advantage of Eureka Seven.Eureka is the physical form of Protoculture.That is judging whether or not humanity can return to live on Earth after the events of Shadow Chronicles. And yes, that's a joke.
  7. The Point is:The right would give a reboot the serie, like many others had their revival. Butin case they "rebuild" other Macross serie, it would be this line of events that should take. I'm not saying that they should rape the Frontier.
  8. Keith, I just meant that when a fan want he does, not wait.
  9. CAlm down Gubaba.Just write in a way that wasn't as traumatic as well. Of course that caused the rage of some here... But, better than did with the original animation of Sentinels.
  10. Speaking this, I remembered my "Robotechnation" of Frontier, which I wrote here some time ago...
  11. Enertron??? Beware!! Because Metatron is there XD (I like your posts of sentai)
  12. Conspiration Theory XD They can make now Shadows Rising using the Frontier^^ *EDIT: The Shadows Spread
  13. They have to redo the serie as they did with Thundercats. Onlu then, they can bring new fans the franchise (without tarnishing other anime in the process). I admit that I like to watch with the animation style of Marathon (but not too much humor as they usually do).
  14. who doesn't guarantee that right now are doing something about it?Create a pirate server is almost like "magic" XD
  15. New Takara TF United http://www.seibertro...megatron/24092/ Source: Seibertron.com
  16. In the affirmation that not all fans of Robotech hates Macross, and not all fans of Macross hates Robotech.Both are essential.
  17. I met Macross from the Robotech. So, she have my respect.
  18. I am not incarnate with an anime.But Seikon is the worst drug I've ever seen in my life. I could not stand or see right the first 2 episodes. A lot of cluelessness and history. Since in any way, it stands on the base of ecchi. Worse, there are many anime as well. As Queen's Blade and Samurai Girls.That only serve to masturbate seeing a "pseudo" fights scenes of destruction. It's sad to see where the thing fell, to attract new audience.
  19. [2]The music will be better^^
  20. That's the Robotech name of council Ivano Gunther, in a Robotechnation of Macross7
  21. Don't forget this too XD
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