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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Transformers: Hearts of Steel carries the war between the Autobots and Decepctions in the Industrial Revolution. It's interesting to see how to adapt the TFs in the technology on this time.
  2. I read in a Brazilian website about entertainment, which according to the HyperHobby,Toei was preparing a film-style Super Sentai Hero 199 Great Battle, but with 20 seasons of Power Rangers. "Takeyuki Suzuki, executive Toei revealed that initially the idea was to use the same images of the special Super Sentai. However, much work would remove the squads that were not adapted in the West. Thus, a whole new recording will be performed for the production of the event. Read more: Power Rangers gathered to celebrate the 20 years| Anime, Manga and TV -ANMTV http://www.anmtv.xpg...ao-aos-20-anos/#ixzz1pKl8qkJ8" I want to see that adapting the Rangers did the same roles in the following seasons (likeTurbo Ranger in Power Rangers in Space).
  3. Oh My... Decepticons Pretenders and Cybertron rising in the City XD Bayformers are fighting in the other side in the same city^^
  4. Ace 6 have a paint editor? I don't buy the game ^^"
  5. Damn... I lost my Destroyer...
  6. eBay, MercadoLivre. Or, I ask for a friend who will travel to Japan
  7. Shane would seem that Randall was hit him, so he would be with Rick whose intention was to kill him.
  8. Jango was a Mandalorian by afiliation. His origin in the comic, his parents are killed by a rogue Mandalorian faction. And he are "adopted" by the leader of other faction.
  9. Not what I know...They call the human race from the planet what they come or afiliation. Like Jango Fett and his (clone) son Boba, are Mandalorian (I don't remember now the name of planet where Jango come, I read in the comic from Dark Horse).
  10. Many people hated the end. Well, in my view, if you explain the thing loses focus. I consider this one of the best sci-fi rpg of the decade. And even there to bid for the homo-affair that Sherpard have. This does not affect at all the character's motivations.
  11. Porco Rosso was the first movie what I saw.
  12. The more important question is: who brought him the life back and gave the spider legs?
  13. A grand master of drawn passed away. The world will stay more gray now...
  14. Where's I find the pre-order? XD
  15. Decepticons???? That's NONSENSE XD Great work^^
  16. At last ^^ I can't hardly wait for this.
  17. Ralph McQuarrie May the Force be with you.
  18. I dunno.Robotech with an animation like this. To what would be acceptable. P.S. The girl sings like Basara
  19. Conan The Barbarian (2011) or like some guys in the Brazil call: Conan, Fogo na Mixtura Not worth the price of ticket this film.
  20. Nice question.... I don't saw Cosplayer Frontier
  21. The Punisher was a Green Beret in the Vietnam War.
  22. Best Game air combat simulation perfomance.
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