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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Rest in peace great director. Thank you for everything you did for us. And if one day we meet ,I'd love to shake his hand. Descanse em paz grande diretor. Obrigado por tudo que fez por nós. E se um dia nos encontrarmos, gostaria muito de apertar sua mão.
  2. I need this paints...
  3. 3Possible facts that helped in the failure: 1- It's a Disney movie filme. 2- It was rewritten to look like a "Pirates of the Caribbean" on Mars. 3- They took all the good passages of the book and inserted things that do not have there.
  4. Read my first comic of Turtles in the 1994, by a Nova Sampa Editora, release only half-volume. Only recently (2007), another publishing come back the volume 1 for entire.
  5. So I prefer G.I. Joe. It's true to the toyline, and seems to be the way we player when we're kids... And was directed by a FAN!!!
  6. Well, in IDW's new comic the turtle have a new origin, they are reincarnation from feudal ninjas who are killed by a ancestor of Shredder.
  7. Another 11... Oh my, I want to see the live movie now XD(Misaki Mei is too cute^^ Where her figma?)
  8. Apparently, you can read about the script's Bay^^ I wonder who was drugged that he considered him to this reboot.
  9. How many bullets a gun of six shots have before reloading? That's gun of Rick get out from roof of trailer should be the Sarge of Doom (IDDQD or Give ammo)
  10. I watch in the early of year. I don't have word to talk about him XD
  11. And the Vic Viper? Don't have a fighter mode?
  12. You sayin it, I just remembered the fan-movie of Left 4 Dead.
  13. Don't tell me you never liked to destroy those ships with Jehuty, or confront that army of Unmanned OF before entering the Bahram's base?
  14. I finished to see. I liked. Matsumoto don't lost your touch in his drawns. Hope what don't have 13 episodes, like befores series (Like Gun Frontier, Comos Warrior Zero)
  15. For it seems incredible. I did know about the new animated series... I only know that yesterday, while I reseaching the opening of Vehicle Voltron.
  16. I want a Macross game with engine of ZOE series.
  17. Not that he's stupidç In TPM, he doesn't have much to say, or to say for someone, since most of time, he stay alone. And besides, actions speak louder than words XD
  18. I thnik the same thing when I saw a image of all staff of Nadia^^Disney "used" (to don't say "rippoff") the anime like basis of Atlantis.
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