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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Good luck, commander
  2. In the last episode of Ducktales, they set a homage to cartoon
  3. https://variety.com/2021/film/news/jessica-walter-dead-arrested-development-archer-1234938246/ Goodbye Meteora Butterfly.
  4. OHMYGREATLUNA!!! Someone leaked the final fight between Godzilla, Kong and Mechagodzilla on Youtube!!! ONLY your count and risk (Please delete it if I broke some rule, tanks)
  5. The rooster was the mascot of the developer of game, the Lucky Chicken Games
  6. Still slow for a shooter. But the graphics are ok. I hope Zamuse or Big West can release a HD version of Scramble Valkyrie. Or some Psp Macross for Switch
  7. Some tv spot in a trailer.
  8. Battlecry was good. Tried to make a good side-story of Macross. And did in some parts, but in anothers was bad some others. But thats a good game. Invasion, for other side, was not much ... terrible.
  9. Man, I realy want a Switch, but because or Dolar =/= Real, is too expensive here. Besides, in the last 2 years everything has gone wrong. With no money for anything, besides that I am without a proper job (I am freelance), accounts that do not close, and medicine for my father who suffers from Alzheimer's. Besides, there are people who rent stores in my father's building who leave without paying what they owe. As it is, I will only be able to buy one when a more advanced model comes out. I would even buy a defective one and have it fixed, but even that doesn't help the exchange. If anyone has one there, and can donate me, even with a defect, I would appreciate it very much. Sorry to use Translator, but I not good today, I needed to put out it.
  10. First (Now official XD) trailer of remake (realy Youtube? age restrition?)
  11. Disney "black label" Presents mix of Joker with Clockwork Orange and The Devil Wear Prada: Cruella
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