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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. WHOA!!! A Space Farm like the Frontier^^
  2. Interestingly, they consider the Northern WaterTribe a realm apart.Almost like another faction within them. Do people still consider the South as "hillbillies"?
  3. You can make a pre-order directly from site of Robotkingdom.com. (because they're a 3rd party...) http://www.robotkingdom.com/services/eshop/main.php?action=details&CatType=&II=PEDX01B〈=us They send it on next month.
  4. New Images of Perfect Effect PE-DX-01 RC (Or Mospeada Arcee, like I call her^^) From Robotkingdom Source Seibertron.com
  5. I said.Someone wants buy a kidney? Or tow?
  6. Someone want to buy a kidney?
  7. Nah, it's because I was a tired and sleepy. I don't have time to review or edit. Eu dormir na poltrona em seguida XD
  8. I means to say. Here, we call "filhotes" for litters of dogs and cats. While in English "filhotes" mean puppies. We call "gatinho", thats equivalent for a little cat. Not a kitten. It's because a confusion in translation XD (Where's Bill Murray?)
  9. In Brazilian puppies = filhotes. kittens = gatinhos. Let's call him by "nekos"?
  10. She's so too pretty.
  11. In the original Macross, had a shower scene improvised. With the "aerodynamic"Linn Minmay^^ As for the "aggressive fan-service" Frontier (Sheryl further explaining that her breasts are what fans love most), is something we can to agree. In the comparison between Roy and Michael. Michael had a certain complex by your sister. S oit became a womanizer.Trying toward off what he felt for her (to be sentimental, or physical). Since Roy, he tried toward off the specter of Aries, which haunted him, until he met Claudia.
  12. I prefer the Macross^^
  13. Another episode of deepening. Now the sad story of the Kitties. Sad to see the reasons that led them to a life of stealing wallets on the streets of Thundera. But seeing a certain maturity in both their lives. Is that next we'll have more on the life of Panthro and Cheetara when they were training, or Lion-O childhood? P. S. Mother of puppies is very pretty^^
  14. Who are Amon? Bumi, The Non-Bender son of Aang? Ex-Fire Lord Ozai? Koh the Face Stealer? Or Combustion Man?
  15. Better than Bayformers!
  16. Me Grimlock, KING!!!! Transformers Fall Of Cybertron Grimlock Revealed Trailer HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6btArje6aZI
  17. Ok... Where's the fans of this "Heli-Carrier"
  18. It's sad to see a Great Fighter to rust in the desert... He was convicted for being the best.
  19. YF-23 is a phenomenal fighter. But as stated above, he has a very high cost for maintenance, dont speak in technology it has. Sad to know that such items have cost him his mass production. I hear he would havea back, but now as a Bomber.
  20. I saw the two first episodes in last month, in a premiere event. I liked of Korra. The technology has been progress quickly, after Fire Nation open their steampower to the others peoples. I hope to see the other guys what don't die until XD (like Katara).
  21. er... Lockheed don't build the "Black Widow II". They build F-22 Raptor.Nprthorp and McDonnell Douglas build the YF-23
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