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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Robotech are most knowing in the America Latina.
  2. Eu nem sabia que Macross passava na CNT (meu estado não pegava...), mas vi o Robotech na Globo.Só anos depois pude ver a serie original via fansubbers.
  3. Se não tiver o Nekki Basara, o Keith não vai gostar de jeito nenhum XD_______________________________________________________________________________ If you do not have Nekki Basara, Keith will not like it at all XD
  4. It's sad because don't have a Gerwalk or Batroid mode... If it had... would be so easy to turn as the models for the VF-4?
  5. uff^^Thanks. I Admited, what I don't remembe this fighter. Non-transformable? Shell Shock XD
  6. VF-4G LIghtning III ????
  7. I want both from Yamato Toys^^
  8. Someone know where I find the subtitle in English for the episode 1. Only subtitle, please. Thanks.
  9. Using the Minmay from a New Robotech, will be sucess XD http://www.interney.net/blogs/media/blogs/maximum/Mimays.jpg (THIS Is not a real project. This are a joking of April's fools^^)
  10. Better form to learn a foreign linguage are: Have a local girlfriend XD (I want to find my Japanese girlfriend...)
  11. Literally a chainmail XD
  12. Very good and Nonsense the ending^^ I enjoy XD And... the danger of Hatte Saburo...
  13. And Power Rangers and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills XD
  14. Phantasy Star 3: Generations of Doom?Nice histroy, bad Battle System...
  15. Na verdade, não vivemos em planeta algum. Estamos numa gigantesca nave espacial, indo para algum outro planeta que possa abrigar a vida humana^^ Ou o que quer que sejamos atualmente.
  16. Yep. But, the Warner Bros. can stop the fan-project.
  17. Sorry XD I saw many members writing Espanish. And I forget it ^^" (Ok, Spanish, Portuguese Whatever XD)
  18. Pode ser. Mas quem sabe com isso ela não abre o olho e começa a "patrocinar" ou quem sabe "incentivar de longe" a produção.
  19. Seria suicídio comercial ela não permitir os fãs completarem esse projeto.Afinal, seria publicidade gratuita. E quem sabe, eles não contratem esses caras para o longa de Robotech.
  20. The big problem is that people do not want to know the dividing line as before. Anime was anime. Hentai was hentai . And Ecchi was echhi Today, it's all garbled, mixed and drped down the gullet.. What is sad today. Scripts that sacrifice for the sake of puberty isolationist and consumerism. How many anime-girls with semi-developed sexual or bodily exist out there, only changing the genre?
  21. I want a new Captain Harlock serie with this animation^^
  22. I don't know about you. But, this has already in the bag. The Anime is dead.
  23. Podia ser ruim... Mas tá melhor que Bayformers XD
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