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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Why don't call Lucy Lawless?
  2. Renato drew the card "Thread Reborn"!
  3. ahh Indie games... They make my happy^^
  4. This prototype remember the scheme of YF-24 Evolution saw in the Fontrier
  5. I found this video now. Too bad it is pachinko. If they ever re-do the series as they did with Yamato 2199. Will take advantage this style of animation, or do something else "Frontier" as the current productions?
  6. Ok...that's scare me now (old, but Gold)
  7. Firefox^^ (I like the name)
  8. Bandai Arcadia? I die old and I will not know how many consoles came before the Tele-game ... Bandai Arcadia apparently, was the first console that Bandai made ​and then abandoned ...
  9. One version for Nintendo WiiU or 3Ds^^
  10. I ordered these because the Max Factory are making a "non-official" Set of Smash Bros. We already have Samus, Link and now comes Pit^^
  11. YF-21 Because of his BDI/BDS System. VF-1J For its versatility in battle. And for their durability. VF-22S "Gamlin" Because Gamlin is the Man! Because he knew losing the woman he loves in stride (I know how you feel buddy, I've lost someone I love to another ...) SDP-1 Stampede Valkyrie Because he have heavy guns! SW-XAII Schneegans honorable mention
  12. I'm trying to write an article for a Brazilian blog about the franchise. Trying to do in a way that non-fans or those not familiar with the series can understand and seek to plumb watch it. A Herculean effort, but valid in order to explain that Macross isn't Robotech, nor maudlin. As some * tards are talking ...
  13. The game of Raiden is a spin-off in the franchise.Thestyle are too (very) diferent from the early games.
  14. NOOOOOO Danmit 2012 Curse!!!!
  15. I wish a figma of Roy or Marth...
  16. MY GOSH!!!! Japanese-Insecticon!!!
  17. The boy are the key of all in the game. But I don't recognized yet...
  18. The term ground zero (sometimes also known as surface zero as distinguished from zero point) describes the point on the Earth's surface closest to a detonation. In the case of an explosion above the ground, ground zero refers to the point on the ground directly below the detonation. Like New York's World Trade Center Font: wikipedia. Big Boss in Zanzibar Land http://images.wikia....s_%28MG2%29.gif http://images.wikia.com/metalgear/images/9/99/BOSS.gif
  19. If the game is going on in Africa, then it will be the beginning of the Outer Heaven.
  20. I hate reboots... but que old chronology are to full of vampire hunters and one Dracula... I give a chance for this one... I don't like the new dracula are a Belmont (not the official family).
  21. Or that technical trailer before the MGS4, where Snake make a Sam Fisher cosplay.
  22. I don't understand tha actual chronology... The Mirror of Fate are setting after Lord of Shadows? In the new chronology? Or a spin-off?
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