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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. The world isn't end in the next 21 ^^
  2. I wondered when this would come out a new movie franchise ... Now we need a new Police Story
  3. Will Smith are making a sci-fi suvivor movie with his son, named After Earth, with direction of M. Night Shyamalan
  4. Ele não partiu. está no céu, se tornando um astro.
  5. Yep, the friendship are visible in all instant in the trailer^^FOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC XD
  6. I like to see a movie of Planeteers or Space Brother -.- But not, they want ro recicle (and worsting...) old-recent ideas...
  7. When o read this thread, I thinked a new DB evoluiton movie...
  8. Oh Gosh... Much revelations and twisted situations...
  9. I still hope to marry a Sino-Brazilian girl, to gives Minmay name for my daughter ...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDdL4z5qfr4
  11. LOL!!!!!!That's Nonsense XD (I fall the chair here now ^^)
  12. Old_Nash

    Macross 30

  13. They're not zombie.They're Lemings!!!!
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