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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Almost a new game of Robotech XD
  2. A Haunted House
  3. Dog-fight indie-game with Unreal engine http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4-eR8-SdFsw Looks good^^
  4. Episode 1 of second season (S2) was realese yesterday^^
  5. Nope. The New movie based in the Novel of Stephanie Meyer, the same "author" of Twilight Saga....
  6. R.I.P. Mr. Ebert I will see you in the Grand Movie Theater in the Heaven
  7. OK. The Dream is dead http://kotaku.com/disney-shuts-down-lucasarts-468473749
  8. Maybe a cross over with Bayformers make a better choice XD C'mom Warner! Where's Centurion movie?
  9. I liked... But... I hope to see a better tailer.
  10. Not a new season... All Hail the Disney. And their politic of exibhition of cartoons...
  11. Smokescreen with Rod Hot personality... DON'T!
  12. Why they don't make a Shadow of Colossus movie with this money?
  13. I was expecting for death of Ahsoka... But I content with the final. Ok, let's waiting for a Seasn 6 in Disney XD Honestly? I believed that Disney would cancel the series and its version. As with the Amazing Spider-Man.
  14. Disney don't have plans for a sequence of Clone Wars. It's more logical to reboot or remake the series with a new plot and new chars. The series will be end now, or with a new season will be unacceptable, for the canon (Ok, no much...)
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