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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Dolores-chan XD But I preffer Idoru^^ http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h23/BoogieMONSTER_2006/Zone%20of%20the%20Enders/REFS/largeAnimePaperscans_Zone-of-the-En.jpg
  2. I hope TheAsylum make a movie from this cartoon... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAg2VXRY7Os Because TheAsylum know how to make sharks movies XD
  3. Robotech Hydonites XD
  4. They say a date to the premiere?
  5. TETSUOOOOO!!!!!!! (Ok, not XD)
  6. Does anyone know how I can create a game like Skylanders or Disney Infinity? Thx.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/kADmzsV.jpg 1 - Perfect! It was supposed to be! 2 - Then came Michael "explosion" Bay and shat all. Mike with face of "black guy comedian estereotipe", is totally wrong...
  8. Frozen, the best Disney's shipper animation movie... (and the two sister are lesbians).
  9. Ha! I liked this joke of April fool's XD http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/04/01/titanfall-optimus-prime-dlc-trailer
  10. They renew the series for more one season?
  11. I read in the Robotech forum, HG adquired the new serie... And they are make some adaptations in the pre-production for release the same time in the USA.
  12. I liked a live movie of Jaycee and Wheeled Warriors...
  13. Wel... don't be a Gundam fan, ithat's ok XD
  14. Me too. And was yesterday... (I live on the forum in the part on Anime or Science Fiction)
  15. PLEASE!!! No much fan-service or moe characters
  16. Or another colony...
  17. UHUUUUUU!!!!!!!! I can't hardly wait... (day?)
  18. At last^^ When they are release the serie?
  19. The movie have much of cartoon reference. The Turtles save the April from a thugs. She uses a yellow jacket, she have a dizzy after meet them (ok, it have in all versions)... Baxter a white man.
  20. Optimus Prime's Ghost: -Use the AllSpark Bee
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