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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. It's sad... Could have been better than the encounter with The Avengers http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/84/NA-Transformers.JPG
  2. Why HG? Why don't call the fans to make a version for you? it's too hard say : "Please fans, make a new series in the mold of RWBy, We will pay you with new figures".
  3. And another teaser-firstlook-preview-trailler-whatever from the new series of Star Wars Animated Why don't relase the tv movie now?
  4. Oh c'mon, that's the best crossover ever since Spiderman and the Clone Saga XD
  5. Well, don't make a KS for animation of Voltron X Robotech...
  6. Thx God of Mangá and Anime, Ozamu Tezuka! We have a one more chance!
  7. -Oh my God, the Southern Cross fan purists kill the KS. -Your basterds!!!!! XD
  8. http://www.firstshowing.net/2014/studio-ghibli-announces-they-will-be-shutting-down/ NO!!!!!
  9. The best sacrifice ever! (he died for the woman he loved)
  10. They not will win XD https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1381502542/robotech-academy
  11. Well. They have 9 days and have 190k. I don't believe they get the rest until the day 0^^
  12. One word describe it https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/357/888/e6c059c8f1ece6a58dc8eceb47ab0d01_large.jpg?1406681134 :Shame
  13. Oh my... Look what I find here! http://images.yuku.com.s3.amazonaws.com/image/jpeg/af415940d94f8cc70ae7b715e9ae6a85f9afaa4.jpg
  14. Protodevlin = Invid Evolution Form!!! (Oh GOD! NO!!!)
  15. Ok Guys, the SDCC has finished, and the money for the Academy is $186,648. I don't believe they will get the rest of pledge in 11 days. Another Robotech series what don't will see the sunlights^^
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