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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Dracula Untold aka Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 1 + 2 Compilation^^
  2. I would not be surprised if they made a sequel. After giving all the hook that will happen, when the Prince Lotor asks the Witch to learn more about Earth.
  3. I knew this series will be a lack of time... But I need to see this ending. And the end... all back to "Normal", like nothing all happened in the mini have occuried... Ps. I don't remember a Sixth White Lion... Tommy Yune, the REAL killer of Carl Macek. -Tommy: Hey Carl let's make a serie of Robotech with Voltron? -Carl: sure, how the plot? 5 hours later... -Tommy:... and finish. did you like Carl? Carl??
  4. I don't know what happend here, I signed all pins (games and consoles) and the coins count don't go up 590... Man, I hate iti -.-
  5. Realesed yesterday one trailer and a fight sequence beetwen Kanan and the Inquisitor Trailer http://youtu.be/Qv4KSrn34OU Versus Sequence http://youtu.be/cIN8QXeDeUo Well... It's a kinda of... something...
  6. If someone have one key Invite for the Smash bros 3DS please, send me one XD Thx^^
  7. I post it in the Worst sci-fi movies^^ Man...
  8. I watch it yesterday and... Mas que porra é essa???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz9g-rinfvk A film without rhyme or reason that instead of doing something, delivers another totally bad. Seriously, who read a screenplay and approves these should be hospitalized or arrested. How the hell can spoil something that could not be further damaged?
  9. Farawell Sir, until we meet again. http://variety.com/2014/film/news/richard-attenborough-dead-gandhi-director-1201289408/
  10. Where they find the metal for all these mechs?
  11. Robotech Movie Bay's edition????? WTH!!!
  12. Ok... it's mean the Tomb Raider backs to permanent exclusive on XONE and PC?
  13. Macross7 + Macross Zero + Macross Frontier = Robotech Academy XD
  14. Macross or robotech Academy????
  15. https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10402459_10152577160391840_1596135762005821740_n.jpg
  16. Godspeed Peter Pan... Godspeed https://d2nh4f9cbhlobh.cloudfront.net/_uploads/galleries/26979/hook-poster.jpg
  17. BECAUSE THEY'RE TRUE PIRATES!!!! Not a Kawaii-loli-girl or a elasticguy what call himself a pirate, but, don't to move like one...
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