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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. It's Disney, they will send money for Marvel and Star Wars franchises because they make money for her. Tron 3 or another thing don't have no guarantee of financial return.
  2. A New rumour is about Silent Hilss is Microsft gonna want the rights about the franchise from Konami, and turned a exclusive for Xone
  3. The best movie of '80s made in the 2010s^^
  4. Bebop and Rocksteady (?).... No, wait! Really??? What the Nex Shredder without Transformers armor? Bebop again Karai 2.0 Special Appearence Snake Eyes! Man, this movie will be awful (again)
  5. I know, but, you played Double Dragon 2 remake? Well, if not, I tell you. ALL of good they make in the Neon, they droped in the remake, because it's a Trash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKgOPKJa9H4 It's to cry of rage about this game...
  6. Now rest one for Double Dragon, Streets of Rage and final fight^^ (I tried to make one in Unity, but... I only one person man XD The name: Rising Dragons: A Fistful of Rage. And the sequences are: Rising Dragons II: For a Few Rage More; Rising Dragons III: The Tiger, The Dragon and the Rage)
  7. Bloodstained for WiiU strecth now avaliable^^ WiiU still have much life^^ (until Nintendo release NX info in the next year XD)
  8. http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/057/1057132/ Ah Capcom, no wonder so many creative people out from your studios...
  9. We're not fans. We stay here only to se the circus catching fire...
  10. Not me, but remember what happend with Green Lantern, with the "polemic" about homossexualism of Alan Scott. In the Midia they said only Green Lantern, not who, and the movie (if the movie needed it to be a fiasco...) and animated series don't get much audience because, parents don't want see "that influence over his children". I believe, what the comic, can make something with movie, and because this, they "wipe out" any reference about the band.
  11. Well, in the new comic Kimber and Stormer are lesbian... Is it why not put the The Misfits in the movie ...
  12. Man... Jerrica gained the identidfy of Jem because a bad-color function of camera?? That's it?
  13. What this thing I watch? where's Holomatter I.A.???? Where's Jem? Is that a... a... Man, I don't konw are this.
  14. waiting for a WiiU version in the upgrade that goals.
  15. Man... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iga/bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night/description Already funded XD
  16. And again... who's who here? Savant, Cap. Boomerang, enchantress, Katana, Rick Flagg, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Croc and El Diablo. ok DC... Ok
  17. Let's Rare-surection^^ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/playtonic/yooka-laylee-a-3d-platformer-rare-vival
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