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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. I like much of continuity from IDW, they need a game or something. And MTMTE is a Justice League from J. M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen with TFs^^
  2. Calm down man. Nintendo only reveal her games in theirs events. And, this video is fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bChBid9pHsE
  3. I finished to watch TF: RiD 2015 and... For Primus, what waste of time was that cartoon... It's to hard made something without humans or not in the earth?
  4. Alienware SteamMachine or, a Ouya with more hardware... https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=40&v=N08GF0d-_a4
  5. One of best episodes ever^^ http://filehoot.com/s0mtsgw37njj I saw saturday, and no one say anything about it^^
  6. I believe they will add a Decepticon campaign in game. After all, we don't know in % the game is complete...
  7. Roy and Ryu confirmed in Smash Bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuQd-lsXYFc Ah Capcom, lift your ass more for the humilhation!
  8. Something like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate.
  9. $4,749,824 (Not Couting PayPal yet) http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Z1L4wNrR--/uckdv1hg7bvuo7mcav6m.jpg 12 Hours Remain Uptdate It's official. Reached 5 millions! All stretch achieved!! The most Popular Kickstarter game project raised with sucessful. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iga/bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night/posts/1262173
  10. Goddammit!!!! Left only 28 hours for the end of Kickstat of Bloodstained and he receive $4,416,125(don't couting the Paypal money) Does he get all the money until the end of time? 5 millions...
  11. And we teaching swordfight for they... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgacHSHOZ7o
  12. Great memories of Metal Warriors^^ Have some news about a Macross game in Ps4 or Vita (huahahahahahaha XD)
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp5nn4JlGe4 Now the "hardcores" can play this game in Xone and Ps4^^ Man... I liked much this game, because simules a REAL zombiecalipse. where's not everyone is a trained military. If you have a bite, is game over for this guy. I mean, is too real for the CoD of BF players. (the same what said this game was 'child toy' when they released...)
  14. He goes to Ps Morte, but don't for New3Ds. Well... At least going out for WiiU^^
  15. The first pic of keanu Reeves in Kaneda's bike!!!!!!!!
  16. The MM Collection II will contain MM 7-8-9-10, Mega Man and Bass AND Mega Man X Street Fighters XD
  17. Nothing the new out there... It is not for nothing that many developers are losing their producers and creators; they just live for "remastereds".
  18. The Macross ins't more a spaceship, but a space train!!!! And Zentren are a alien A.I from other dimensional future distopic world.
  19. My first console was a famiclone named Hi-Top Game^^"
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