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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1820796125/swat-kats-revolution A project that is worth funding.
  2. Time to request my money back ¬¬ http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/07/21/project-cars-cancelled-on-wii-u
  3. The "best" page ever from the first serie^^ https://sdf5x.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/robotech-voltron-digital-exclusive-edition-005-019.jpg
  4. Someone noted this? I mean, Ant-man was too obvious, but Yellow Jacket I admit, don't get the first time ^^"
  5. Hey Guys, and about this? http://www.retrovgs.com/
  6. Only name for Roy Focker Charming Tatum
  7. You discover that sometimes the person you expect to be kicked when you fall is one of the few that help you get up. (The Minstrel - Shakespeare)
  8. The Global President of Nintendo is dead! http://kotaku.com/nintendos-president-has-passed-away-1717386412 Please Understand!
  9. SATORU IWATA IS DEAD!!!!!!! http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2015/150713e.pdf Long life for Shigeru!
  10. Not time, but, I always like Metal Warriors deploy sequence: Primary Systems engaged. All Secundaries are Green. Ready for launch.
  11. And it's bgins the Mechs War XD
  12. But,both under Dynamite licensed seal^^" http://i.newsarama.com/images/i/000/115/555/i02/robotechvoltron1.jpg?1382019609
  13. More new comics???? NO!!! No Voltron X Robotech not again!!!
  14. And now! Begins the Battletechs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfQiikX9gFM
  15. Welcome to an era of "Incomplete games where you pay for the dlcs and patches of correction of game, what they delayed because needed of time for correction the early bugs..."
  16. We will meet again, someday. R.I.P.
  17. Sorry, the rage of moment... Project Cars don't go for WiiU, and the studio hates NIntendo Users.
  18. WiiU isn't a total "piece of crap", the only problem is the Nintendo don't sells the console without Gamepad, and don't have a online system of achievements. Because this, don't sell much, and the developers don't knows to use Gamepad or Controller ro in his games, when they make a port
  19. I know WiiU don't have a strong base, but Like me, much WiiU users donate for this game. And after they released, and a "no more WiiU port" They replied it to a WiiU owner... http://wiiudaily.com/2015/06/project-cars-dislikes-nintendo-users/ This is how a company that says it's serious that donated much for this game to be done? If so, better to give to small studios which I know will honor his word.
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