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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. Like Dragon Ball Evolution XD
  2. Habemus a new trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmRih_VtVAs Freaking fuc***** trailer!
  3. Sorry about your family, pal.
  4. Really 2016? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35313604 Man.. enough, please ENOUGH!
  5. Well, I always thinked The Stealth like a Macross Plus poorly rip off.
  6. Farewell Ziggy Stardust http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/11/entertainment/david-bowie-death/
  7. Happy New Year^^ I liked the pilot, and the references with Macross II The singers are too kawaii-desu (XD), but I don't understand one thing, the planet is where in the galaxy... Thanks
  8. I mean to say, A long time I don't make some cosplay^^"
  9. Danmit! I lost^^" Someone can upload the episode? Please XDDD
  10. Some date for a pilot like Frontier? Ops XD I saw it. Sorry ^^"
  11. All universe connected with Vajra?? I NEED THIS FAMILIAR TOO!!!!
  12. Ok guys, it's begins^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=52&v=Qh2yT-AL1V8
  13. Well... I read the Voltron From the Ashes, Aka Voltron Academy and.... the only positive thing in this comic are the covers, from Alex Milme http://www.comicbookresources.com/imgsrv/preview/0/0/1/VoltronAshes01-Cov-Milne-9d283.jpg http://www.dynamite.com/images/VoltronAshes02CovAMilne.jpg http://www.dynamite.com/images/TNVoltronAshes03CovAMilne.jpg
  14. For the man that gaved my worsts nightmares
  15. The worst movie adaptation. The movie have a similar plot. but the execution... It's similar like Dragon Ball Evolution or Last Airbender
  16. (insert Tetsuo' theme here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzko5iNo5wM
  17. Not like today^^ In all animes series XD
  18. Nice memories here^^ I watches much os this lists, and I really missed this time... When the stories was better and no much fan-service and moe...
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